Chapter 7

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~Zero's POV~

I'm Zero.
I was raised in The Ultra Care Center.
Apparently my parents abandoned me there cause they don't want me and I know why.

I was born with two slugger on my head and I have two colours on my body, red and blue.
Some kids in this center was bit scared of me and called me a freaks because of my looks..

My life here was never really good..
Others kids would being mean at me and call me names... I hate here..

??? : oi! Zeta! What do you think you're doing?!

Zero : I'm... playing with my toys..?

??? : Your toys?! That toys is all mine! You took it from me!

Zero : N-No I didn't! It's mine! Miss Star give me this toys!

??? : liar! You are always a liar and only bad seijin lie!

Zero : I'm not bad!

??? : then give my toys back!

Zero : no!

Others kids would take what mine.. they stole my stuff and said it's theirs. Sometimes I couldn't defend myself since they were stronger than me.. and because of that, I always lose to them.

??? : Kids! Stop it right now!

But there's time when the caretakers help me. They defend me and protect me from those bullies. And the one that always by my side was Miss Star..

M. Star : Rax, how many time do I have to tell you, do not bully people and call them names!

Rax : b-but he stole my toys!

M. Star : don't lie to me. That toys was given by me to Zero. You're getting a detention for bullying and lying! Go to your bed and think about what you just did!

Rax : okay, Miss Star..

M. Star : wait! Don't you have something to say to Zero after what you just did to him??

Rax : *sigh* I'm.. sorry.. Zero..

Zero : hm...

M. Star : good, now off you go!

Miss Star would always stand up for me. She was also the first one to meet me here.. she was also the one who told the caretakers and the children to be kind to me since I was 'special'. Till now, I never knew why I was called the special one.

Even though the children here always get warning by the caretakers because of bullying me and stuff, they never stop. Even the caretakers told me to stand up for myself since they can't always be there for me and I can't just let them treat me like this.

But I'm too scared.. I'm weak and useless.. no one want me... People that come to adopt the children here, never pick me or even look at me. Maybe I am to disgusting to be look by anyone..

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