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"Ryder come on we going to be late!" I yelled up at my little sister. "Coming!" her little voice yelled making me smile. I don't know how I make it through the day without seeing her, she's the only one that can calm me down if I get angry. I checked to see if I had my anger issue pills with me and I had them. I looked up and she was walking down the stairs carefully making me giggle. I grabbed her hand and we walked out of the house not bothering to tell her. We walked to the little shop that said 'bennys'. I work here to support me and her since my no good mother doesn't . I put on my apron and and said hey to ben. "Hey sweetheart have a good night?" i gave him a look and he sighed and shook his head. He's the only one that knows my mom beats us. He's like me and Ry's only father figure since I dont know where ours are. Probably having a good life why were stuck here. Ry was sitting at the counter and playing with her toys why I watched her, smiling. I lifed my head a little and saw a group of really buff guys with three girls looking over at us. There was two guys about my age and all the others were older. The girls where very pretty but two stuck out the most. One had beautiful black hair and very pretty brown eyes, but what stuck out was that she had scars running down her face. The other girl was very pale, had brown eyes, and had reddish/brownish hair and was very beautiful. The guys looked all the same brown cropped hair, tan, looked like they had steroids injected in them, and all had the same tattoo. Witch I thought was really cool. I grinned at the thought and looked back at Ry to find she wasnt there. I panicked and was looking everywhere. I started to breath hard and and looked at the the customer's, she liked to talk to people. I sighed when I found her talking to the buff guys and girls. I sighed and ran a hand over my face, but smiled at her attempt to talk to them, she was writing in her book, like she was trying to take their order. I walked around the counter and got to them and raised my eyebrows at ryder. "Sissy look!" she grinned at me. I chucked and so did everyone else. "Did you get their oders?" I noticed one guy me age tence up at the sound of my voice. "Yeah I did come on I wanna cook it for them!" I chucked and looked up at them to see if they need me to get their oder. "She got it all down, we helped her." the pretty girl with scars said. I nodded, "i'll be right back with your food and drinks." I smiled at them. She smiled back. I grabed ryder and put her on my hip as she tried to read me their order. She giggled and handed me the pad. I looked aver it and nodded "Ben!" I handed it to him. He nodded and started on the food. Ryder kept talking about them, saying they were really nice and fun. "They helped me write thier orders and then I smiled and the big guy was like your smiles pretty! And I just giggled." I smiled at her as she continues to rant. "Foods ready." Ryder kept whinning to help so I gave her a plate of one of the foods and took to rest which is alot! I set the plates down and happend to look up at the time I did my eye connected with beautiful brown ones.

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