Chapter 3: A Toman founders afternoon (a welcome back Michy hangout)

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'Ahhhh, when is Ohta coming back? That trip is sure hell as long' Takemichi thought while he was been dragged by Draken to a meeting so he could meet again with all his old friends. They were going to meet with them in the shrine, but the thing is that they don't know they are going to meet Takemichi, and with they I mean Baji, Mitsuya, Pah...and Kazutora, Takemichi knew what Kazutora did, still, he sent him letters, until Kazutora stopped replying them, one day, he simply stopped, so after some weeks he stopped too. He always checked his mail, waiting for any response.
"Do I have to?" Takemichi complained still sleepy
"Yes, you haven't seen them in what? Four years? Five?" Draken replied
"Besides they'll be very happy to see you again Michy~!" Mikey added
"What about Kazutora..? Did he get out of juvie?" Takemichi asked and everyone was in an awkward silent for a moment until the short dark eyed blonde talked again "I don't know and I don't care, if I ever see him again I'll make sure to kill him"
" have to forgive him, it's been five years, or maybe six, I don't know but-" Take was interrupted by the other one "No, you don't understand, he killed my brother Takemichi, I will never be able to forgive him for that, and I will never be able to forgive myself for not been there to protect Shinchiro"
Draken who had been silent most of the conversation finally decided to speak "Well, let's not get all sad and gloomy, we're all going to be finally together, like in the old times"
'But they will never be like the old times, as long as Mikey doesn't forgive Kazutora he will never move on and will always hit with the same wall, not been able to open the door so he can walk to the next part' Takemichi thought.
A long black haired teen with amber eyes, another one with lilac hair, and one with blonde hair and a scar on his lip.
"Damn why is the man child taking is much?" Baji (the first one I mentioned) asked, clearly angry and impatient
"I don't know, i thought he was with Draken" the second one said
"Damn I had a date with Moriyumi and I canceled it to come to this shit, and now they're late I'm going to ducking kill-" the last one said but stopped when he saw the two abnormally tall and short come walked, but what surprised them was to see Draken grabbing a weird blonde boy "Yo Draken, who's the little shit?" Pah asked
"Watch your mouth Pah, or I'll call Moriyumi-Chan and tell her that you were the one who stole the croissant from the fridge" Takemichi said and the other three immediately recognized that voice "MICHYY?!" They ran towards Draken and Baji grabbed Take like in the scene of the lion king that the monkey grabs Pumba-
"Let me go dude, this is totally not cool" the lazy one said
"What happened to your hair dude? Why it looks like solid piss?" Mitsuya asked once Baji put him down, grabbing one of his curls
"I accidentally dyed it because instead of buying conditioner I bought yellow hair dye"
"Damn you've grown, you're even taller than Mikey now" Pah said which made the ash blonde have a tick mark on his forehead. Yeah, Take free so now he is some centimeters taller than Mikey.
"How have you been? How did Roppongi treat you huh?" Baji asked then added "And we're going to dye your hair black again, I can't stand seen you, you're like a short lamppost"
"Uhh, sure. It was quite cool, I even met-" But he couldn't finish because Mikey wrapped his arm around his neck and interrupted him "Let's go to eat! I'm hungryyyyyyy"
"Damn Mikey don't interrupt people when they are talking" Draken scolded him like a mother scolding her son
"Bleh, I don't care, let's just get doroyakiiiiii" he replied and started to walk towards the shop, so Draken grabbed Takemichi and the six headed towards the cafeteria.
"I want four chocolate Doroyaki, then five of Nutella, other three of cookies and cream, six more of strawberry, two of caramel-" Mikey was ordering but got interrupted by Draken who said "just order four doroyaki of chocolate, and two cookies and cream Taiyaki"
"But Ken-chin, only four Doroyaki is nothing! You want me to starve to death?! Are you betraying your commander?!"
"You're so annoying, just go and seat with Michy" Draken said and the man child crossed his arms, pouting as he walked back to the table and Draken payed. He went back to the table with the guys and the six started talking, until certain subject came up "So, what are we going to do?" Baji asked
"What do you mean?" Mitsuya replied confused
"Before leaving Michy was the first division commander, what do we do?" The raven cleared
"Damn I totally forgot" Pah said
"Yeah, maybe he could become the commander and you vice commander Baji? Like before" Draken suggested
"What about Chifuyu though?" Pah asked
"Who's Chifuyu?" Takemichi asked
"He's the current vice captain of the first division under Baji" Mikey explained
"You can keep things how they are" Michy said, which made everyone confused "I always felt that having a division was wayyyy to energy consumer for me, I'm glad that you got it covered"
Everyone sighed, of course he would say that, he was Hanagaki Takemichi after all.
"I want to meet this new people in the gang, that Kawata twins, Hakkai and Chifuyu you were talking about, and also how's Peh? And how's Moriyumi?" The blonde asked
"He's doing quite well, stupid and with angry issues as ever" Pah explained "And as for Yumi-chan she's pretty as always, she will be very happy when she founds out you came" Pah added blushing slightly
"Glad he hasn't changed" Take said "And you make me feel so single Pah~" then he looked at Mikey "How's Emma?"
"She's doing quite well too, she actually is friends with that girl Hina from earlier" Mikey replied happily, but the last thing catches the other's attention
"Hina? Who's that?" Pah asked curious
"Yeah, who's that?" Baji added
"Oh, she's Michy's girlfriend" Draken said, he forgot they weren't in a relationship
"WHAT?!" Mitsuya, Baji, Pah, and Mikey yelled
"You said she wasn't your girlfriend!" The manchild  pouted
"And she's not, but she's really pretty though, it's a shame I'm too lazy to get in a relation ship and have to feel love actually makes me waste lots of energy, but I already have someone I want to marry anyway"
"Really? Who?" Mitsuya asked
"Ohta" The blonde replied
"...." Everyone was silent
"Who's Ohta?" Mikey asked smiling, yet he couldn't help but let a dark and cold aura surround him
"He's my best friend, and future wife" Take replied which made four hearts break "He is on a trip with his parents right now but before he would come to my house and cook firme, went with me shopping, well he took me shopping to the supermarket because I'm too lazy to go, made my bed, brought me to school, made my food, bring me from one class to another, helped me with homework, feed me, basically everything, that's why I think Ohta is perfect wife material"
'I'm so envious!' Mikey, Baji, damn even Mitsuya and Draken thought that.
"But the good news he is coming back today or tomorrow I can't remember, I remember yesterday in a call he told me he was coming back certain date that started with t- I was too lazy to write it down"
They continued chatting until they decided to leave- after paying of course. Once they did they went to the shrine to sit and continue talking "I'm so glad we're doing this" Mikey said "I wanted to do a Toman founders meeting since long ago"
But eveyone knew that without Kazutora, it wasn't complete, they were the seven Toman founders, not six, seven, no one knew that Kazutora just got out of juvie a few weeks ago, no one knew this except for Baji, who had been in contact with him for a while.
"My my, you're doing a Toman founders meeting to welcome back Michy and you didn't invite me? I feel hurt" a voice was heard along with a bell sound. Everyone turned to see...

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