New Home, New Friend

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Abigail's POV-

We are now in Canada. I'm so ready to be out of this car I'm losing my mind. We just passed a sign that stated.

-Welcome to Canada-

In big bold white letters on a green sign. It's snowing here. I've heard that it snows a lot in Canada I guess I'll just have to get used to this whether. We pull up to our new two story home , that looks to be in a good neighborhood from what I see.

I let out a relieved sigh once I step out of the car and stretch. I'm so happy to be at our new home. This is a total new start for our family. This new home will change everything. I'm so joyful that I can't contain my happiness. I smile wide and grab my back.

The house is already furnished so we didn't have to bring much with us... I walked up to the door as I waited for my mom to unlock the door. Once she did Lizzie and I bolted in.

"I call dibs on the big room!" I yelled dashing up the stairs.

I ran to the room on the left and opened the door to the big room.

"Yes!" I exclaimed placing my bags down.

The room was pink,blue,white,and black. It's Beautiful. The bed was huge and the room has beautiful shiny black dressers. I started unpacking right away and placed all my belonging where they should go.

After I was done. I walked over to my window and looked out. It was a house beside us. It was two story also. I looked to the window to see...a boy.

From here it looked like he was on his computer. And from here he looked pretty hot if I do say so myself. I laughed to myself and noticed I was staring at a person I didn't even know. I felt like a stalker.

I put my head in my hands and sighed. I saw movement in the corner of my eyes and i looked up. It was the boy I was just looking at. He waved to me as I politely waved back with a smile.

He looked down and scribbled on a piece of paper and held it up to the window it stated:


I smiled and searched around for a stack of papers. Once I found some I scribbled on it before holding it up:


He smiled writing some more:

-I'm Jeydon

I giggled writing again.

-I'm Abigail

He smirked.

-your very pretty

I laughed.

-I don't think so but thanks

He frowned.

-you should. Your breathtaking

I blushed


He smiled wide

-can I come over and meet you????

I thought for a minute before nodding to him. He smiled wider than before. He raised two thumbs up before he left the window. I turned around smiling.

Well...I have a new cute friend. I smiled to myself. Looks like I'm already off to a new start.

"Abigail, there's a cute boy who wants to see you" Lizzie winked as I laughed at her.

"Ok" I smiled, standing up.

"Hey" Jeydon said walking into the room.

"Hi" I shyly smiled,flipping my hair to one side.

"I know this isn't the ideal way to meet, but it'll do" he smiled sitting down on my bed as I joined him, sitting a few spaces away.

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