Chapter 5

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 Chapter 5

“I will get out of here, and I will kill you.” Mac says.

“Oh I doubt that.” The man looks down at her, his silvery hair shining in the light.

Mac was captured at the recent full moon, just when she was getting the handle of being Alpha and here she found a psycho that is now testing her as a science experiment.

She was running in the woods with her boys. They just started their run and were racing each other to the other side of the field. She knew the others couldn’t keep up with her, but to keep them happy she slowed down a bit. It was just for fun anyways. It was the next full moon since she became Alpha and was excited for it.  She looked behind her at the guys, catching a different sent other than her packs.

“Somebodies on our land.” She thinks to the guys. It wasn’t familiar, but just to be careful she wanted the guys to go home. “Go home, stay around the house.” Mac thinks to them.

“We aren’t leaving you.”  Jason thinks back. She knew they wouldn’t but she was a little worried, it didn’t smell like a full on human or full on werewolf.

“Shifter.” John thinks, sniffing the air.

“Shifter?” Mac question, she remembers that was what Michelle called Jasmine a long time ago.

“Yes a shifter, has extra sensitive hearing, and has strength stronger than a human but weaker that a werewolf. They are part of the werewolf world but they can’t shift into a werewolf. Most females are this; it is actually surprising you aren’t.” John thinks.

“But it is a male.” Mac thinks, locking eyes with the silver eyed man.

“That is unheard of.” John thinks, trying to find the man.

“Go home now.” Mac thinks, eyeing the gun in the man’s hand.  The guys can’t help but listen, she used her Alpha voice.

“But what about you?” Jason thinks.

“I will be fine.” She thinks back to their running forms. But she knew she wouldn’t when the gun was pointed her way. It stung, and then she slowly fell asleep.

That was three weeks ago, she was worried about her group but she couldn’t contact them. The man, whose name is Zane, was doing a science experiment on her. He wanted to know how much silver a werewolf could take before they died. Mac just thought it was the same as humans, but what she didn’t realize was werewolves had a different effect with silver. Just the brief touched burned. She went through pain for the last couple of weeks, and today was the first time when the silver was injected and it didn’t hurt.

“Don’t hold in your screams. You know I need everything to help me with my experiment.” Zane says, adding another needle filled vile to her arm.

“I’m not holding anything in.” Mac says. Her wrist, that were burning both weeks from being chained by silver to the wall were feeling a bit tingling but in a good way.

“Really what about this?” Zane grabs a knife, pressing the flat side of the blade to her face. Nothing, she didn’t hurt, nor did she feel pain. “Interesting, I do say this is exciting.” Zane says jumping with joy, while scribbling down his notes.

“Can I be let go now.” Mac says, knowing the answer already.

“No, now we must see how long without silver in the body can you last until the pain comes back.” Zane says. He leaves the room taking his tools with him. Mac hated this guy, he at least fed her unlike the family did. She liked science but what this guy is up to is horrible.

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