Chapter 6

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 Chapter 6

“It’s my birthday.” Mac shouts. All she could this was that she was finally twenty-one and she was going down town to the nearest club.

“Somebody is excited.” Trent says, Katie walking in the room behind him. Katie and her have grown close, almost like sisters.

“Of course I am, it has been two months and I have yet to have any problems with Zane or the family. Plus it is my birthday. I’m getting drunk.” Mac says.

“We can’t get drunk.” John says, he is at the dining table scarfing down breakfast. It was true most werewolves can’t get drunk because they are so warm, it takes liters of alcohol to get one of them drunk.

“Maybe you can’t, but I know how to push my wolf away.” Mac says. She closes her eyes, taking deep breaths. “Smell, what do I smell like?” John sniffs expecting Mac to either smell like a werewolf or a shifter, but she doesn’t smell like either. She smells human.

“How?” John asks.

“Something War taught me.” Mac says. “So tonight I’m getting drunk.”

They reached the club hours later, it wasn’t that big and had a country theme to it. But it was a place where Mac could get drunk and she was excited, she hasn’t drunk since she was in college and missed the days.

“Chug, chug, chug.” The crowd shouted towards Mac. She lost her friends somewhere in the club leaning on a gorgeous guy to her right.

“Wow you can drink.” The guy says. Mac just looks up at him and smiles.

“College baby, it taught me everything.” Mac says. She was feeling good, happy, and a bit dizzy.

“Want to dance?” The guy says, she looks up at him. His eyes are a dark brown almost black looking, matching his black hair. He is whiter than most people, but in Idaho where is there to tan.

“Sure.” She says, grabbing his hand taking him in the middle of the floor. The club was playing a clubby country song. She was able to grind against him without being the weird person that stood out.

“My name is Raphael. What is yours beautiful?” Raphael says, leaning down whispering in her ear.

“It’s Mac, and it is my birthday.” Mac says, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Well then you deserve a birthday kiss.” He leans down placing his lips on hers. It starts out soft, but the passions builds on it. His tongue licking her bottom lip asking for entrance. She allows him, he starts to explore her mouth, placing his hand around her waist bringing her closer. She could taste the alcohol and a bit of copper on his tongue but she was enjoying the kiss. “Let’s go somewhere more private.” Raphael says, grabbing Mac’s hand taking her outside to the side ally.

He pushes her up against the wall smashing his lips down on to hers. He breaks away, peppering kisses around her neck. Mac wasn’t feeling great about this, War was searching to be surfaced, and Mac was losing control of being human. “Easy,” Mac hears Raphael says. Mac doesn’t listen, letting War come out a bit. He switches sides, kissing the other side of her neck, she feels something sharp drag across her skin. “Humans you are willing to trust any pretty face.” He says, before biting down on Mac’s neck.  She grabs his hair, holding him in place. It feels good, it feels great actually. But he tries to stop, pushing against her hand. He looks at her, pure black eye look down at Mac. Blood dripping down his mouth, and fangs pointing out brushing against his lip. “You’re a werewolf.” Raphael says, he looks at Mac’s blue blazing eyes.

“Ya and apparently you’re a vampire. To tell you the truth didn’t think you were real.” Mac says. She rubs her neck, it started to burn.  He leans over the wall throwing up the blood in his stomach.

“Shit, I’m not ready to die.” Raphael says.

“What are you talking about?” Mac says, now that War surfaced she was sobering up fast.

“Werewolf blood kills me, and vampire blood kills you.” He falls to the ground. Mac starts to feel her knees go weak, and the ally started to sway around her.  He keeps coughing up blood but he was getting worse, and Mac new she was as well.

Guys, ally now. Mac thinks to the group.

“Why did you bite me then?” Mac says, falling on the ground next to the vampire, her vision getting worse.

“I thought you were human, most werewolves can’t pass as humans.” He pants between coughs.

“So you killed us.” She says, she hears the door bang open her pack looking down at her.

“What is happening?” Jason says. Mac rolls over gagging, slowly blood drops out her mouth.

“You bit her.” John says, picking Raphael up by his collar.

“You killed the both of you.” Trent says.

Blood, that was what Mac wanted, she needed blood to heal her. But her pack was close she didn’t want to hurt them.

“I didn’t know she was werewolf.” Raphael says, his clothes drop to the floor, ash cover them all.

“He’s gone, how long does she have?” Trent asks, rushing over to Mac.

“Stay away.” Mac says raising her hand, she hears a thump seeing Trent across the ally. Blood trickling down his arm from hitting the wall.

“What was that?” Katie says, helping Trent up.

“I don’t know.” John says. Mac wanted his blood, all their blood. She can hear the pumping of their heart. But they were her pack right? Something was fighting inside her for her not to kill them.

“Mac?” Jason says, Mac looks up at him, her eyes pure black.

“Shit. That isn’t possible.” John says.

“Blood.” Mac says, she stands up in one smooth motion. She raises her hand, trapping Jason against the wall, without touching him. “I want blood.” Mac says.

“What is happening?” Trent says.

“She got his power.” John says.

“What are you talking about?” Trent says.

“The vampire, he had a power. It must have been telekinetic.” John says.

“Mac.” Jason pants out. She is right on him, her fangs sticking out. He looks at her eyes, they change to blue, then back to pure black, switching to brown for a second. He drops to the floor, taking in deeps breaths, trying to get air back into his lungs.

“Shit, sorry.” Mac says. He looks up to see blue eyes. She turns away, leaving a blur where she runs.

“Is she a…” Trent asks.

“That is impossible.” John says.

“It is right?” Katie asks.

“How the hell am I supposed to know?” John says.

“You’re supposed to be the smart one.” Katie says.

“That doesn’t mean I know everything. But there a myths, but it is impossible.” John yells.

“Stop yelling at her.” Trent says.

“She’s a vampire.” Jason says, getting his breath back.

“Not just that she is the Black Luna.” John says.

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