2- an angel under stars

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(A/N: imagine this as akito already asked out tsukasa but he asked for some time and now it's time for his answer!)
Tsukasa and Akito decided to meet up at a grassy hill at a park
A: tch- he was supposed to be here like 30 minutes ago we missed the sunset
T: HIII! Sorry I'm late!! Saki needed help with a school project!
A: atleast you made it! Now sit.
They sit down T^T
T: soooooooo... uh....
T: *his face goes red but he has to stick to what he wants to say*
T: y'know how you asked me out the other day? *'he looks up at the stars* i would want to answer your question,
A: *his face goes red and his head fills up with the possibility's on what he can say yes, no, I'm dating someone, but he try's to clear his head and all he can do is look at the stars with him*
T: I would like to say yes completely, 100%
A: *akitos face goes red but he only smiles warmly*
T: I honestly wish this could have been more special for the both of us but we missed the sunset and all we have is the stars
A: are you talking about the ones in the sky? Or the one in front of me?
T: *tsukasa pauses and smiles his cheeks light up but he continues with talking about the stars and constellations in the sky*
(in his head)A: I love him , he's like a star , wait , not even that, a angel under the stars

A:? T: *his face goes red but he has to stick to what he wants to say* T: y'know how you asked me out the other day? *'he looks up at the stars* i would want to answer your question, A: *his face goes red and his head fills up with the possibility...

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A/N I didn't realize that I had italics till the middle but I thought it was fine it fits the theme of the story
297 words

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