chapter one

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By now, I can hardly recall what happened that one day. The dreadful day the one I loved so dearly left, only to never see him again as of present time.

Sometimes I question if he still somehow kept me in his memories. Does he think about me often? Does he even remember what I looked like in his eyes? All of these are questions are some which will never be answered.

But the unfortunate part is that even after he left, we never stayed in touch, due to studies and so forth. Hopefully he enjoyed wherever he went to. I still am so grieved over Luke's departure.

But that wasn't what I needed to focus on now. As I was currently sitting in a crowded airplane with a large amount of talkative and obnoxious passengers. I've always greatly despised any sort of crowded and noisy places, airports for an example. I wish I wasn't here. But I was.

Why? I had a author event taking place tomorrow afternoon, in which was mandatory. A recently autobiography I had published made headlines and I'm practically famous now. I hate attention. But this was beneficial.

I peered out the window of the plane. The sky was a bright blue and clouds covered the atmosphere. Out of anything I could've possibly done on this quite boring flight, I decided to continue about my constant trail of thoughts.

I couldn't get my mind off him.

No matter how many times I told myself that he's probably forgotten you or that was so long in the past and it's important to look into the future, I can't help myself. I still love him, no matter how distant we are or how much he doesn't love me anymore.

I still remember his gorgeous golden eyes.

And his joyous tone.

Or his brunette hair, that was always quite tousled, but he never seemed to care.

What the hell am I thinking. God, something is for sure wrong with me.

"Are you Zander Wickham?"

I peered over. A woman with long brown hair and wide green eyes was staring at me. She had a grin on her face. Wow, she looked happy. "Yes, do you need anything?" I responded.

"I read your book and I'm a big fan of yours! Do you mind signing my copy?" she exclaimed. From what I could tell, about twenty people looked in my direction she was that loud. Great. But I might as well get used to the feeling of being a well-known author.

I nodded. She handed me the book as I grabbed a Sharpie from my backpack. Quickly, I put my signature in the corner of the front cover and handed it to the unknown woman. She smiled at me, looking down at the signing I put. "Thanks" she said. I smiled back, though no words were spoken.

For the remainder of the flight, I was in a slumber. Once I stepped off the plane, I was greeted with another sight of large crowds that seemed to continue for what felt like miles. I grabbed my suitcase and walked through the bundles of people.

Soon enough, out the exit of the building, the city of New York came into sight. People were seen from sidewalk to sidewalk, cars came to and from, tall buildings stood in every corner. Rosemeadow was a quite big city, but nothing compared to this.

There was probably no chance in me finding a ride to make it to the hotel I was residing in for the next few days. I pulled out my phone, looked up the hotel in the Maps app and began walking.

This city was more bustled than i've ever seen. Every corner or block had something. It was all new to me, since i've never been the type of writer to participate in events in very popular place. I've usually preferred things from home or over the internet.

Once I'd made it to the hotel, i'd come to a large, brick building with glass doors and a decently fancy entrance. All i'm in hopes for is my encounters with these people to go well. Opening the doors carefully, the lobby seemed quite empty.

I glanced upwards, a giant crystal chandelier hung above me. The counters were a elegant marble and red carpet covered almost every area of the floor.

I walked over to the front desk. I was still clinging onto the handle of my suitcase firmly. After checking in, I strolled towards an elevator in the corner of the large room. The shining silver doors slid open as I approached. I walked in, pressing on the number "4." Quickly after, the doors slid closed as the elevator rapidly traveled upwards.

A bell was heard and the doors opened again. I was presented with a long hallway, that looked quite similar to the lobby. I walked out of the elevator and down the hallway, glancing at the card given to me.

Once I reached Room 416, I swiped the card, unlocking the door. The room was quite nice, with two queen-sized beds, a desk, and so forth.

I had plans for staying in New York a few days after the author signing event tomorrow. Possibly this would be a trip of a lifetime.

Possibly it could bring unexpected changes.

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word count: 895 words

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