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Rows of tall and short conifers sprint past along with the sidewalk and crooked shadows loom over the car windows creating a vivid barricade between the light and shade. Accompanying them in this late quest are the unearthly howls and growls that keep getting louder and louder as the car drives deeper and deeper into the unknown.

The events from earlier are still a bunch of mysteries to you. A lady suddenly appearing in front of you out of nowhere and claiming to be your mother. Then her hugging you and you feeling this intense surge of emotions run through your entire body which you never did when you hugged your real mother. In fact, no one's touch ever made you feel such tingles before. 

Things for you only got weirder after that. The woman started sobbing harder when you called her "omma". Then Taehyung tried to pull you away from her unnaturally strong embrace but she just lazily flicked her hand and the vampire went flying across the room, landing on one of the shelves, breaking it in the process.

You still remember the thunderous whine Taehyung let out on being thrown like that. You immediately pulled away from the hug and went to help him, though it was quite difficult for you to stifle the urge to laugh at the big bad vamp getting tossed away like a rag doll.

You don't know who she is yet, but she is giving you major mother vibes. And clearly, the lady is supernatural, probably a witch. If not, then she's got a lot of explaining to do.

Anyways, she, who you now know goes by the name Gae Chae-Won, requested, more like begged you to come with her to her humble abode at least once. And you, feeling this strange connection towards her, couldn't deny.

And that is exactly what leads you to your current situation where...

You are sitting in her car along with your vampire companion, who has been somewhat acting like a bodyguard since last night. You don't find yourself complaining though. Oddly enough, you remain quite calm about this entire ordeal. It is as if, you know deep within that whatever is happening is happening for a reason, a good one at that.

The silence through out the journey got you thinking though. She is a witch and you are the cure who is supposed to be born to a witch. It was particularly the only contradiction that kept you skeptical about all of this before. The parents you know and love are nowhere near supernatural. It was the only explanation that still made you believe in the supposed reality you had been living for years already. But, if you are really Chae-Won's daughter, then that reality goes tumbling down the gutter. The puzzle pieces will just fit themselves in, won't they?

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