Chapter 1 | First fright.

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"Goodnight, Gwen," Finney said, giving her a kiss goodnight on the forehead. Gwen rolls her eyes but the soft smile on her lips is a dead giveaway.

"Night Finn, don't let the bedbugs bite." She teases. Finney chuckles and goes off to turn off the lamp which causes the room to go pure black.

Closing the door, he gives her one last glance and heads off to his room, not a single step making sound. After all his dad is sleeping on the couch as usual, a bottle of beer in his hand.

He shuts his door quietly, only a small click could be heard. Sighing, he crawls into his covers. It's space themed just like his pajamas, it makes him feel happy.

Space has always been a sort of comfort to him.

After a few minutes of dosing off, he fell into the world of dreams.


Finney sees himself on a mattress. His favorite blue sleeved shirt with a dark gray in the middle is in view, and he is wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans.

"Where am I?" He mumbles, he was sure he had just fallen asleep. Perhaps this is a dream of sorts... He thinks.

He looks around to see himself in a dirty basement. It looks cold, lonely, and dark but he can see some moonlight shine from a little window near the top of the basement- no doubt leading to the outside. However it is blocked with steel bars.

A door opens grabbing Finneys attention. A tall pale man that has a oni mask placed on his face walks in. He has a bad feeling and he doesn't like it.

He sees the man walk to his clone sleeping, he swallows. It's silent for a minute. He feels his skin crawl from the gaze of the strangers gaze.

"T-This is just a dream." He tries to explain but why? He knows it is a dream- nothing would happen to him, but he can't help but get this odd feeling.

He continues to stare at the man finding that he can't look away.

"Good boy..." He hears a deep voice, it startles him. The man crouches onto the bed and puts his hand on his clones face, almost as if he is caressing it.

'What?' Is all Finney can think. He feels numb, wishing that his clone can wake soon. Why is this man touching him?

"You're such a good boy... Finney." The man chuckles, Finney sees his eyes squint and he guesses he is smiling.

Finney goes to walk over to the man but finds that he can't move. All he can do is stare, and watch this adult man touch him. Finney finds himself grimacing, feeling all gross.

His clone is still not awake- which is weird since Finney isn't a deep sleeper... in fact, he looks dirty as if he hasn't showered in days. His hair as far as he can see looks greasy.


He can't help but think why he would be here of all places. What happened? He has never seen this man in his life and here he is touching him as a kid would a shiny new toy their parents bought for them as a present.

"Finney! Finney! Finney!" He hears a voice distantly call out. The man looks up and everything goes black.


He gasps, something wet and cold is splashed onto him. He brings a hand up to his face finding that it's water, of course. He groans.

Opening his eyes, he sees Gwen frowning with her arms crossed at the foot of his bed. "What did you do that for?" He whines, as he rubs his eyes trying to blink away sleep.

"Well, I tried to wake you up for the past 3 minutes. We have school! Hurry or we'll be late!" She states clearly annoyed. For a moment she stares, "You look like shit."

"Get out!" Finney whisper shouts and Gwen leaves with a eye roll but not without giving him a concerned glare. He ignores the look and stares at his ceiling.

After a moment of laying in his covers which is now he finds is wet with sweat and water, grimacing he gets up, picks out his daily clothes, and walks to the bathroom to shower.

As he showers he can't get rid of the dream he had. It was so weird, and makes him feel uneasy whenever he thinks about it. He decides to hurry up since he's on limited time and to not obsess over the dream.

After he is all set and ready, backpack on his left shoulder, he goes downstairs to see Gwen eating a piece of toasted bread. She hands him one and he says a small thank you.

"Right, let's go." She says, walking out of the door with Finney beside her. He fondly scoffs but doesn't say anything else.

On the way to school Gwen rambles on and on about various topics- switching from school to her nights at Susie's place, then to her hatred of their father.

Finney listens while making sure to add little comments here and there but he can feel Gwens stare on him, he mentally sighs already feeling drained. So far, she hasn't said anything which he is glad for.

Upon arriving at school they go their separate ways. Gwens classes start earlier than his so he always has a bit of time left to spare in the mornings.

He arrives to his building only to see Robin there, standing alone with people giving him odd looks only to be met with a glare from him.

Robin notices Finney walking over and waits until he is infront of him to talk. "Hey, Finn," Robin says with a cheeky grin. Finn returns the grin with his own.

"Morning." He greets, doing their secret handshake which is really a clap on the shoulders. Robin stares at him for a moment until saying, "Geez, has Gwen mentioned you look like shit?" He jokes but Finn knows he is a bit worried from the look in his brown irises.

"Yupp," Finn rolls his eyes. He was secretly hoping Robin wouldn't notice but when was luck ever on his side? Nope, never if you're wondering.

"Seriously though! You look like a zombie from one of those sick apocalypse movies!" Robin exclaims, his hand's go up in the air to further his exclamation. It was rather loud which made Finney wince. He sees a boy shaking his head and feels like he will see him more often.

Finney half tunes Robin's rambling while he stares at the short boy, finding himself in interest. The boy seems to notice his stare and looks surprised.

He stares right back until he can't— which is only a few seconds but he must be shy — and dashes into the school building.

Just then the bell rings making Robin groan in displeasure, their first class is different so he says bye to Robin and he waves up with a look that says 'my puppy died.' Which causes him to giggle before heading off to his first period.

Maybe today won't be too bad, he thinks with a small smile. Though, still feeling like a pile of pure dog shit.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wrote this at 12 PM on a school night... therefore sacrificing my beauty sleep lmao. 😋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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