What I Fear!

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Now, there are a lot of things I fear about making a roleplay series but I'll try to keep it short.

My main one has to be script writing.

I don't know how to write scripts, only books. And this could lead to the voice actors being confused on how their characters should talk like or what they're doing whilst talking. Thankfully, there's Google where I can research on how other people have wrote their scripts, so I can get a good idea of how I should set up mine. If I find it too hard, I can share the document with the team and ask for advice...when I do get a team together.

Another one that relates to script writing has to be spelling massive words. I've always had trouble with spelling and grammar since primary school and had to be given extra time during my GCSE exams and at college. I would say that Microsoft Word is good at correcting and pointing out mistakes but the online version that I'm now using again, it doesn't correct all the mistakes and often chooses one grammar then changes it over and over.

Actors/Team Not Getting Along

I'm not saying this happens to everyone because it doesn't. But from what I seen on other platforms and social media, a few other roleplay creators have lost team members and had allegations made about them.

Now, I treat everyone with respect and will be there for them if they ever need a shoulder to cry on, someone to rant to, someone to cheer them up, or just someone to hang out with.

I understand there will be times where the team or a few members need time off to deal with family matters, themselves, going on holiday, or just a break in general.

However, I do expect all members of the team to try and be friendly to one another whilst recording the series/episodes. If there's an issue between two members of the team, hopefully they feel comfortable enough to sort it out themselves or bring it up to me so we can discuss how to solve the matter. If we can't then I will try my hardest to make it less tense between both actors/team members.

And if the issue is about me or something I wrote about their characters, feel free to message or see me straight away so I can correct it and make sure the voice actor/team member is comfortable as I wouldn't want any of the team to feel uncomfortable and that I'm pushing them past their boundaries and rules.


Another major thing are cities and villages, especially when I'm not that good at building. Although I'm currently learning to build better on my Minecraft ps4, even though it's not quite the same as being on a computer, I don't want to make buildings look like a child has built them. This is why I'm using my free time to learn how to build better in creative mode so the map will stand out to everyone.

Now about maps, it can take up a few weeks to build properly, maybe even a month when building alone. And this is what I worry about because building a map and all the time and effort that goes into it means the fans are left waiting for the next episode to be uploaded.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't want fans thinking I'm abandoning the series if I don't upload for days to weeks. Editing, building, and final touch ups can take time.

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