Chapter 7

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I smacked my lips and let go of Debbie pissed off. I honestly think she would've told me she miss me back.

"Bye Marcus, go check on your girl", she walked downstairs and Niah started walking towards my bedroom.

I walked down the stairs and walked into the room closing the door behind me. She had her suitcase and started unpacking.

"Yo what the fvck?!", I said snatching her arm from her suitcase.

"I don't feel like arguing or talking right now Marcus, go back to having "family time" with Debbie", she said adding air quotes.

"So that's why you left? Why the fvck you talk about carrying know what? Get the fvck out, get yo shyt and go cause I don't want you here, at all"

"Why would you kick me out when you made me move here and then you got me pregnant"

"You wasn't nothing but a stress reliever and I know I ain't get yo a** pregnant. Matter fact, I made sure I put a morning pill in yo juice every morning and you'd drink it, don't play me stupid bytch. And I know yo axx was out cheating while you was gone too"

"You've been cheating on me with Debbie, it's like what was the point of the two if you getting a divorce when you'd just stay with her!! I don't even care and you right it's not yo baby, it Taj's baby and we gone be a family and we gone have an empire bigger than yours and we coming to shut yo shyt down", I looked at her and started laughing evily which I could tell made her scared.

"Good luck", I opened the door but before I walked out I looked at her and laughed. This bytch, I'll let her figure stuff out on her own. "Hurry up and get the fvck out before I have to help you", I walked to the kitchen and seen the kids eating the pizza I ordered.

"Daddy come eat with us", Zoey said taking a but of her pizza"

"Okay kids, where y'all mama at?", I asked sitting down getting a plate and getting a slice of pizza.

"She went outside, she prolly left", Zach said stuffing his face.

"Yeah, but I don't think I heard a car though uncle", Zyaire said drinking some juice.

"Aight, y'all eat up and I'll be back", I stood up and opened the front door and Debbie was sitting on the porch looking up.

"You okay?", I asked sitting next to her.

"No. Yeah. I don't know anymore, are the babies eating?"

"Yeah they at the table goin fed, you know you can still talk to me no matter what right"

"I don't think so, I think we need to not be together so much anymore. I'm good honestly. I need to back all the way up and let you do you. I'll see you later, kiss the kids for me", she stood up and a cab pulled up. She got in, and I watched her go, I don't know what to do anymore.

"Have a nice life, and good luck with those devil children", Niah said with her stuff coming out the house. She got in her beat up car and left, her dumb axx don't even have gas in the car so I hope she get stuck in the middle of the road.

I laughed at that thought and walked back into the house. I spent time with the kids until the all, went to sleep. They all crashed in their rooms and I checked on the triplets before I went to bed and they were fine. Before I went to sleep I wanted to talk to my moms, we normally don't talk but she's always there when I need her too though.


Me: "Hey ma", I said laying on the bed with my phone to my ear.

T-Lady: "Hey son, you know Kee not dead", she said sounding sleepy.

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