Chapter 14

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Marcus' POV

Yo after me and Debbie got into that dumb shyt this morning I just left. I got a doctors appointment today and I don't have time for the bs.

I am mad that she don't feel the same well. Like she was horny enough to get the dvck last night and say she love me but when the next day comes its a fvcking problem.

I ain't got time for this shyt. I already have a lot on my plate and I'm trying to get my family back but she wanna be playing. I'm not gone give up but damn at least work with a nicca.

I went home and changed my clothes and shyt. I stopped by the traps and made sure everything was good before I got a couple dimes and headed over to Paco's.

I knocked on the door and Zyaire answered.

"Wssp Unc"

"Wssp Z how you feeling??"

"Good" he walked back into the living room.

I closed and locked the door and followed him, "where Paco and ya moms??"


"Oh shyt Zy you got the PlayStation 4!?"

"Yea my dad got it for me" I raised my eyebrows.

"Ya dad??"


"Who ya dad??"


"Oh rd. Go get him for me"

He ran upstairs and came back down fast as hell. "He'll be down in a min he said"

I sat there on the couch and watched Zyaire play the game. "Nicca you corny in ball"

"No I'm not"

"Yea you are... Nicca shoot"

"Come on chump you messing me up"

I kept messing with him until Kee came downstairs.

"Wssp sis"


"How you feeling"

"I'm good actually"

She had on a sports bra and I noticed that I didn't see no bullet wounds.

"That's weird as shyt" I mumbled to myself.


"Nun where Paco??"

"He was sleep, he coming now"

"Ard where my niece and nephews??"

"Sleep. I'm bouta be too so imma talk to you later"


Something was so off about Kee. I don't know what it was but its something.

Not even a minute later Paco came down. "Wssp bro"

"Wssp my nicca, what was you doing??"

"We were watching a movie, then I fell asleep. Buh what's good witchu??"

"Man me and Debbie got into it this morning. You tryna smoke??"

"Yea come on"

We walked to his office and chilled. He turned the TV on and the game was on.

We rolled up and I lit the blunt.

"So tell me wssp with you and Debbie"

"Ard man we fvcked last night and everything. She told me she love me and we had a chill night. Slept together and everything man. I wake up this morning and she talking about we can't be nothing else and she was just horny. Like she just used me for sex."

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