💀🧼 01 🧼💀

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The mission was supposed to be a simple one: get in, secure the data, and get out without alerting anyone about their presence. Instead, Laswell's informant had severely miscounted the sheer amount of combatants present in the warehouse, and Soap and Ghost were quickly overrun by the enemy. Soap hadn't even had the chance to blink before he was knocked over the head, and as his vision flickered he saw Ghost crumpling to his knees as well.

Now, as Soap blearily comes back to the land of the living, he quickly realizes that he has been tied to an uncomfortably small chair. He keeps his eyes closed and his body relaxed, hoping to keep up his unconscious appearance while he attempts to free himself. Testing the ropes around his arms proves that Soap's captors know what they're doing, and the tightly knotted cable woven around his wrists, arms, and ankles keep him securely stuck in the chair.

Soap keeps his breathing even and slightly cracks open his eyes, immediately focusing on the limp body bound to a chair directly in front of him. Ghost's head hangs low, mask still on, tied similarly to Soap in his own metal chair. Soap hopes that Ghost has had the same idea that he has and that the Lieutenant isn't actually passed out. His gaze shifts left where he can see a table filled with different tools and weapons, and Soap realizes that he and Ghost are about to be in a world of hurt.

A door squeaks open to Soap's right and he quickly shuts his eyes fully. Better to keep up appearances for as long as possible.

Their captor doesn't agree with Soap, though, and wrenches Soap upward by his hair. He groans and opens his eyes, glaring at the woman in front of him. She smirks back at him and forcefully releases his hair, pushing his chin into his chest, and moves toward Ghost. He hasn't reacted to anything yet, and his breathing was still slow and steady. The woman tuts softly at him and backhands him, jerking his head to the side. He still doesn't move, and Soap begins to worry that Ghost isn't actually faking his unconsciousness.

As the woman is focused on getting Ghost to acknowledge her presence, Soap takes a moment to fully evaluate the room they are in, and unfortunately the room isn't much. Four grey windowless walls greet him, with the only exit being the door to his right. Perhaps Ghost has a knife tucked somewhere that they can use to free themselves and leave? Although neither of them know what lies beyond that door, or where they are located in the warehouse.

Soap is quickly distracted from his attempts to form an escape by Ghost's unsteady breaths, and he looks back to see Ghost scowling at the woman. They briefly make eye contact and Soap shakes his head, silently telling Ghost that they're in this for the long haul. He goes back to staring at their captor, and Soap moves his gaze to her too when she moves to stand by the table.

"You already know what I want. Who are you? Who sent you? And what do you know about us?"

Neither Ghost nor Soap answer her. She glances at both of them and then back to her table, picking up an especially sharp looking knife.

"Last chance."

They both remain silent and she sighs lightly, tapping the point of the knife on the metal table. It makes a sharp ringing noise but neither of the men flinch away from the sound. She moves toward Soap first and cuts his shirt off, uncaring of whether her knife cuts through his skin. His gaze remains impassive and she squints at him. She makes a few more deep cuts on his chest, but when Soap continues to give her no reaction she stops.

"Clearly hurting you will not give me answers. I will try something else."

Their captor quickly leaves the room, and as the door clicks closed Soap allows his head to slump down between his shoulders. He takes a few deep breaths and raises his head again, eyes seeking Ghost out. His eyes flick over Ghost, but he can't tell if the Lieutenant is injured aside from being knocked out.

"Think we'll be stuck here long, L.T.?" Soap asks, carefully avoiding Ghost's callsign. He doesn't know how much his captors actually know about them, and although Ghost's signature mask is pretty recognizable, Soap doesn't want to chance it.

"I wouldn't count on it, Sergeant," Ghost replies. His voice remains flat, but his eyes scan down Soap's body looking for injuries. Soap doesn't know if Ghost has found a way out of the room himself, or if he knows that the Captain will be sending reinforcements to rescue them, but his words make Soap feel marginally better.

When the door bangs open again Soap has calculated that about four hours have passed, and the woman stalks in looking extremely pleased with herself. She sets a small briefcase on the metal table and opens it but her positioning blocks the contents from Soap's inquisitive gaze, leaving him unaware as Ghost's posture stiffens slightly. He isn't in the dark for long, though, as the woman turns around holding two syringes filled with a murky purple liquid. She smiles meanly at them and shakes the syringes a little bit, clearly delighted about whatever is in them.

"Anything to say?" She asks. Ghost and Soap glare at her and remain quiet. She waits for a long moment, then begins talking again. "These syringes contain a highly untested formula that we are attempting to turn into a drug. You both will act as test subjects for it. It will not kill you. I hope that you both do not have any plans for the near future."

She walks swiftly over to Soap and grabs his arm pushing the first syringe into it. He attempts to struggle away from it, but the ropes around his body keep him contained and still. After the contents are emptied into him she moves onto Ghost, who simply stares at her. She cuts off his sleeve, exposing his tattooed arm, and harshly plunges the syringe into Ghost's arm. As she is removing it alarms begin blaring outside of their small room, and the woman gives them both a glance before rushing out the door.

Soap can't focus on the alarms as the drug begins to take effect, however. His body begins heating up and sweat forms on his brow as he pants harshly, slumping over in his bindings. He thinks he hears Ghost call his name, but Soap's vision wavers momentarily as a pit forms in the bottom of his stomach. His vision clears as the door to their room bangs open harshly, and both Price and Gaz storm into the room. They immediately clear it, then move to cut Ghost and Soap out of their bindings.

"How copy soldiers?" Price asks quickly, looking over Soap's drooping form.

"Soap was roughed up a little bit and we were both injected with a mystery drug, but the administrator said that it wasn't lethal. We should be solid after getting some rest." Ghost responds. He seems to not be feeling the effects of the drug as harshly as Soap is, but Ghost has always been able to control his emotions better than Soap. Gaz pulls out an extra shirt for Soap to wear, and he thankfully smiles toward Gaz as he puts it on. The Captain nods and radios for evac, grabbing onto Soap's arm and pushing him toward the doorway of the room.

Soap doesn't quite remember the trek through the warehouse and onto the bird, but once he sits down in the helicopter he quickly begins trying to get comfortable. His body is hot all over and Soap desperately tries to free himself from the layers still on him, whimpering softy. He tilts out of his seat and Gaz catches him, saying something to him that Soap can't hear over the overwhelming need in his body.

As the bird touches down at base, Soap realizes that the need coursing through him isn't a need to get cool, but a need to get dicked down fast.

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