Chapter 14 - What we had? It matters, okay. And it was beautiful, but -

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Within moments - of Hermione hitting Harry, of Hermione drawing her wand, of Hermione firing hexes at Malfoy and Parkinson and some first years - shields sprang up and seemed to absorb the magic of the spells, using it to strengthen the shields.

Not a second later, Malfoy had his own wand in hand. Another few seconds and Harry and Parkinson followed.

The first years were paralysed, stumped. Who wouldn't be?

Suddenly, golden ropes wound themselves tightly around Hermione's body, the same time someone cast "expelliarmus!", flinging her wand away from the Gryffindor and into Parkinson's waiting hand.

Perplexed, Ron blinked rapidly. Then, when the scene didn't change, didn't dissolve like a dream, he rubbed his eyes.

Nothing. Hermione was still bound on the floor after hitting Harry and cursing Malfoy.

Why would she hit Harry?

"I think that will be 50 points from Gryffindor, Granger, for hitting Potter." Ron's mouth dropped open. So much?!

"And another fifty for attacking fellow students." Ron's eyes popped. Malfoy couldn't do this! Hermione would never attack someone without a legitimate reason!

Malfoy obviously started the whole thing just to make them loose their house points! Bloody ferret never should have been allowed to be a prefect!

And how could Harry simply stand by and let this injustice happen?!

Drawing his wand, Ron stepped in front of Hermione and Harry. If Harry did nothing - if he couldn't do anything - then he would protect them from the slimy Death Eaters in training.

"What have you done to 'Moine and Harry, Malfoy?" He wouldn't let him get away with this.

Malfoy, however, only raised a pretentious eyebrow and made no move to release Ron's friends. Parkinson remained as pudgy faced as ever, her cold blue eyes roaming over him as though she had any right to judge him.

"I haven't done anything, Weasley," Malfoy's voice was bland and even - like he wasn't itching to gloat and rub his superiority in his face as he'd always done.

Ron sneered. He would teach this pathetic snake not to lie to him.

The spell was on the tip of his tongue. He held his wand steady and pointed it at Malfoy.


"Ron!" Harry's sharp voice cut in. It made Ron falter, but only for a moment! Then he grinned smugly. Harry must be getting ready too, must want them to go together; Malfoy wouldn't know what hit him.

No-one got away with cursing his friends. No-one.

Ron didn't even want to know what the Slytherins had done to his friends while he'd slept. They probably cursed him too, to sleep and not notice them hurting Harry and Hermione.

A sudden tug had Ron stumbling. He flailed for a second, thrown off course and disoriented, before he regained his footing.

He glared at Malfoy, who had the gal to look at him with bloody surprise. As if he wasn't the one that jinxed him in the back.

"LEVICORPUS!" The incantation echoed through the otherwise silent library. The first years behind Malfoy ducke- didn't duck. They didn't even scatter; didn't seem scared that Malfoy was going to curse them.

Why wouldn't they? They looked frightened enough.

And why was Parkinson laughing at him?! -


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