Where it all started (Past)

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Middle School, 6th Grade

InIn the bustling halls of their middle school, Christine Carvalho returned after an absence, resuming her place among the chatter of students. Gio, determined to ruffle her feathers, persisted in his mission to annoy the girl he secretly cared deeply for.

"Hey, Christine, long time no see," Gio teased as they passed each other in the hallway.

Christine sighed, trying to avoid eye contact, "Yeah, Gio, long time."

The English period became a battleground for their silent war, each moment thick with tension.Gio leaned over, whispering, "Missed having you around, Christine. School was too boring without your eye rolls."

Christine shot him a glare, "You wish, Gio."

The lunch bell was a welcome relief for Christine, or so she thought until Melina, armed with her biting remarks, lashed out at her.

"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence! Suspended or something?" Melina's sharp words struck Christine hard, adding more weight to her already troubled state. Ignoring the comment, Christine walked away, her eyes welling up with tears.

Gio, however, wasn't about to let Melina have the last word.

"Melina, seriously? Can't you leave her alone?" Gio retorted, feeling a pang of guilt for his own teasing.

Feeling stung by Melina's jab, Christine sought refuge in the solitude of the washroom. Ignoring all norms, Gio dashed after Christine, paying no heed to Melina's antics.

In his urgency to reach Christine, he barged into the girls' washroom.

"Christine, wait up," Gio called out, realizing only after entering that he was in the wrong place.Christine, surprised, turned to him, "Gio, this is the girls' washroom!"

He blushed, "Oh, right. Sorry. Are you okay, though?"

She hesitated but then sighed, "No, not really." He found her sobbing in a stall, her pain echoing through the empty space. Fearful of creating a scene, Christine reluctantly relented, prompting Gio to encircle her in a comforting embrace.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to go through this alone," Gio assured her. Shielding her from the judgmental glances of her peers, he led her to the solace of the school terrace.

He sat quietly with her, allowing her tears to flow freely, offering unwavering support without uttering a word. As they sat, Melina's voice echoed from the corridor, calling out tauntingly, "When a heart lacks love, it becomes just like yours."

Her words resonated within the silent space, echoing the turmoil Christine felt inside. In a moment of vulnerability, Christine revealed the heavy burden she bore, blaming herself for a tragic loss—her brother's passing.

Her words pierced Gio's heart, recognizing her pain as he, too, knew the weight of loss. He hesitated for a moment before finally finding the courage to speak.

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