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Gio pov

Franco called, informing me that we were heading to the Moonlight Club. As it was her brother's club, being underage didn't deter us. I swiftly changed into black pants and a dress shirt, knowing I had a meeting right after.

In my car, I left...

In my car, I left

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Christine's POV

Calvino called, inviting me to go clubbing. Despite my fatigue, I couldn't refuse; my brother would show up at my house if I did. I went downstairs to talk to my parents. This was going to be tough.

"MOM!" I called out.

"What do you want now?"

"Can I go to Cal's house overnight, please?" I asked politely.

"No, go back to your room. I know you met him today, and this is your excuse."

"Mom, please. He's getting engaged, you know."

"Oh, you got this news also."

"Mom, can I just go?"

"You didn't come home yesterday night. Where were you, huh?"

"I was at home. I went for fresh air, then school."


I walked upstairs and texted Cal that I couldn't come as Mom wasn't allowing.

Cal: Wait, I just told Arcangelo to text her.

Me: She's pissed. I don't know if she will let me go tonight.

Cal: She will. Don't worry, sis.

Me: Okay, I am coming to your place to change if she agrees.

"CHRISTINE, COME DOWNSTAIRS!" I heard my mom yell. I slowly went downstairs.

"Yes, Mom."

"Arcangelo, he is sending Cal to pick you up."

"Okay, Mom. Thanks."

I quickly hurried up and packed my clothes. I went down, and Cal was here. I sat in the car, and he asked me what happened. I just lied, saying nothing. We reached home, my safe place. As soon as I entered, I ran towards the living room and hugged Arcangelo, Lauro, and Leonardo, my elder brothers. God, how much I missed them in these four years.

"God, I missed you, princess," Leonardo said.

"I missed you all so much."

"Go get changed; then we will leave."

"Please hurry up, Chris. Others have reached," I heard Cal yell.

I just laughed and hurried to my room in their house, which is truly my home.

I just laughed and hurried to my room in their house, which is truly my home

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I wore a black skirt, a lace top, and heels.

I walked down, and all four of them yelled, "Change." I just looked at Arc with sad eyes, and he agreed because they all were coming, and I wasn't going alone.


I entered and squealed seeing Francesca. God, how much I missed her. We hugged and started taking shots. Unknowingly, my eyes were searching for his, but I guess he wasn't there yet. Francesca gave me drink after drink, and I did not deny it and took them because my brothers were there.

Gio's POV

I walked into the club with Franco, and he ran off to meet Francesca. 🙄🙄🙄🙄. I walked up and decided to get the meeting done.

45 minutes later...

The meeting was finally over. I walked to the bar and saw all the guys, and I knew she was there too. I felt it. I looked around the club, and then my eyes fell on her. Damn, the way she's moving her hips to Gasolina. Fuck, I feel a problem down there, and the top she's wearing. I started drowning myself in drinks, trying to ignore her.

Third Person POV

He drank to ignore her, and she drank to forget him. Both were drinking to something related to each other, and then the next thing we know, he's with her on the dance floor, and one thing led to another...

The night unfolded, a tapestry woven with threads of passion, regret, and unspoken confessions. The Moonlight Club bore witness to a dance that spoke volumes, leaving both Gio and Christine grappling with the echoes of their shared history.

As the night wore on, the question lingered: Would their dance be a fleeting moment of chaos, or the beginning of something more complex and profound? Only time would unveil the answer to the dance that fate had choreographed for them.

The music pulsed through the club, echoing the rhythm of their intertwined destinies. Gio and Christine, despite their attempts to ignore the undeniable connection, found themselves pulled together once more.

Gio's hand found Christine's waist, and they moved in unison, bodies close yet hearts distant. The dance floor became a battleground for suppressed desires and lingering pain.

Gio: "Chris, I can explain."

Christine: "No need, Gio. I've heard enough."

Their bodies moved, an intricate dance of passion and frustration. The crowd around them faded as their shared history played out in every step.

Gio: "It's not as simple as it seems."

Christine: "Engaged, Gio. That's pretty straightforward."

Gio's grip tightened, the intensity of the music mirroring the tension between them. As their eyes met, a silent plea for understanding passed between them.

Gio: "I thought I lost you forever."

Christine: "And I thought you'd wait."

The dance continued, a collision of past promises and present realities. Words hung in the air, unsaid yet palpable. The emotions that had been buried for years resurfaced in the midst of the chaotic dance floor.

Gio: "Chris, I—"

Christine: "Not here, Gio. Not now."

Their movements became a silent conversation, a dialogue of hearts that had once beat as one. The club, filled with the cacophony of music and laughter, became a sacred space for the unresolved.

As the night reached its zenith, their dance began to slow, a reluctant acknowledgment that reality awaited them beyond the pulsating lights and intoxicating beats.

Gio: "Chris, can we—"

Christine: "Let's not ruin what's left of the night."

Their dance, a tumultuous journey through a shared past, drew to a close. The music softened, and they reluctantly untangled themselves.

Christine: "This changes nothing, Gio."

Gio: "I know."

The night, once a chaotic whirlwind, now hung in the air like a delicate melody, a haunting reminder of what once was and what could never be again. Gio and Christine, bound by a dance that transcended time, walked away, each carrying the weight of their shared history.

And so, the Moonlight Club bore witness to a dance that left them both yearning for something lost in the echoes of their tangled footsteps. The night faded into memories, leaving behind the unanswered question of whether their dance was a brief interlude or the prologue to a more intricate and unpredictable future.

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