The Day They Met........

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Chapter 2: Revisiting the Past

Christi's PerspectiveThe first rays of morning sunlight filtered into the room, gently rousing Christi from a restless sleep. She groaned, fully aware that she'd face her mother's inevitable lecture for being out all night. Recalling her late-night race that ended at 4:30 am, she made a decision to stay home rather than heading to their place. 

 "Mom won't be pleased about this," she muttered to herself, rolling over and reaching for her phone. Her return to the comfort of her own bed after four years brought a mix of relief and trepidation. Her thoughts drifted to him — the one she hadn't been able to contact. Did he still hold a place for her in his heart?Slipping out of bed, she made her way to the bathroom, silently admitting to herself that she missed him.

 "I should have told him," she sighed, as the brush swept across her teeth, thoughts trailing into her past mistakes.Clothing was her shield, a black crop top, baggy jeans, and a pair of worn-in boots. Skipping breakfast, she grabbed a set of car keys and hurried to the garage, slipping behind the wheel. The drive to school was a rush, thoughts and memories bombarding her mind, leaving her anxious about what the day held.

 Arriving late at 7:50 a.m., she worried about running into him and their unresolved past. As she navigated the hallways, she locked eyes with him, standing alongside another girl. The pang of pain at his indifference was hard to ignore."Chris," Calvino's familiar voice broke through her thoughts. He hugged her warmly, sensing the turmoil in her eyes. "You're back."She managed a weak smile.

 "Yeah, Cal, I'm back. Missed you guys."Calvino, my brother, welcomed me warmly.

 Our group's embrace brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, but seeing Giovanni with someone else ignited a flood of bittersweet memories.His gaze meets mine, and within those silent moments, a myriad of unspoken questions hung between us. I couldn't bear the pain of witnessing him with someone else. I turned, briskly striding out of the school, my steps heavy with the weight of heartache. 

The sense of isolation I'd grown accustomed to, especially after being distanced by my parents, only intensified when I was sent away without any means of contact with those I cared about. I had hoped he would wait for me, but now the shards of heartbreak pierced deeper than ever. I retreated to my house, seeking solace in the gym, throwing punches until the numbness dulled the ache that refused to subside. 

 Amidst the echoes of her troubled thoughts, a flashback emerged—a painful memory of the day her parents discovered her secret. Their disapproving glares, the heated arguments, and the final decree that she must be sent away for her own good. As the scenes replayed in her mind, her eyes met Giovanni's across the room, and in that intense gaze, a silent understanding passed between them—a recognition of the pain that had brought her back. 

 As she wandered through the crowded hallways, her eyes met those of Giovanni, standing in close proximity to an unfamiliar face—a seemingly affluent American girl, her demeanor exuding an air of superiority."You must be Chris, the one everyone's talking about," the American girl remarked, her tone dripping with condescension. 

 Christi arched an eyebrow, her lips curving into a sardonic smile. "And you are?"

 "Veronica, obviously," the girl retorted, as if her name held unquestionable significance.

 Giovanni's eyes flickered between them, a silent spectator in their clash of personalities. Unbeknownst to Christi, Veronica had taken a liking to Giovanni, and her presence was orchestrated to sow discord.

Their verbal duel continued, each exchange filled with subtle jabs and unspoken tension. Giovanni attempted to interject, but his attempts were futile.Later that day, as Christi was leaving the school premises, she unintentionally stumbled upon a shocking scene. Through a partially open door, she witnessed Giovanni and Veronica in a passionate kiss.

 The sight hit her like a punch to the gut, the pain of betrayal adding to the weight of her already heavy heartache.Unable to process the whirlwind of emotions, she turned away, her steps heavy with the newfound realization that the person she once held dear had moved on. The betrayal stung, leaving her grappling with the shards of heartbreak that now pierced deeper than ever before.In the midst of her emotional turmoil, her phone buzzed with an unfamiliar number.

 Unknown Number (675): Do come, please. I need to see myself happy with someone else. Maybe even explain your vanishing. engagement attachment

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