Assembling a pack

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Out loud talking: ""
In their heads: ''
Radios: <<>>

"It is currently nearing the first month of the what would be called the lighthouse war, the erusians had done coordinated attack all over OSEA destroying many military structures and equipment. With the first week the Erusians drove Osean forces far back before they were able to get a good foothold and stopped the Erusian advance."

A voice said before it was seen that the person that was speaking was on the news, a female reporter talking about the current war between Erusia and OSEA. Multiple people were watching but more specifically the military especially the ones in Yuktobania as various ranks watched even the President. One of the main things they were worried about was the loss of life, the use of drones as well as President Harling himself. Heck as of right now The President of Yuktobania is currently trying to find some ways of helping OSEA without actively joining the war. That is when something happened that made everyone very anxious as the reporter spoke once again.

"We just got word of someone live-streaming a battle that is taking place in the skies around the space eleavator switching to it now."

As the feed changed to the battle around the space elevator not much could be seen that was until the person recording zoomed in on the battle letting it be seen much more well. The battle was hectic with aircraft flying about but what caught everyone's attention was the fact that the OSEAN aircraft were fighting up against drones. All now wondered why this battle was taking place something had to be going on before the camera person spotted a Ospery taking off from the space elevator and trying to leave the battle.

Now the battle took place around the Osprey as the OSEAN fighters seem to try their best at protecting the aircraft with many drones trying to shoot it down. That's when a barrage of missiles was seen soaring towards the space elevator but were quickly intercepted by the drones crashing into the missiles. The military staff in Yuktobania wanted to know what that was and why did OSEA try that before it was quickly out under as they watched the Osprey took hits from missiles. It was now obvious that someone important was in the aircraft if the OSEAN's were trying so hard to protect before it was soon shot down with the OSEAN's now retreating with the recording soon cutting off.

The Yuktobania President shut off the TV and looked at his military staff giving them all a glance before speaking. "We need ideas people and we need them now before we find out what or who they were protecting in that attack, so common people spit out ideas." Every started to glance at each other before the General of the Air Force made a statement as he held one of his folders before sliding to let the president take a look.

"Well sir we could send volunteers as well as military aid to the OSEAN's, and yes while that may look like us joining the war that is only believable if our own pilots were to be known doing such a thing," He started saying as the president soon opened up the folder, "But the Erusians won't know it either all they will know is that we have sent some aid in form of more jets to help the OSEAN's, Mr. President I have been working on a project gathering some of the best pilots from different squadrons into one mixed aircraft squadron and so far the project has been working out perfectly."

The President studied through the folder looking it over as he read who was apart of this squadron as well as their skill sets before asking a question. "Might I ask who these individuals are more specifically what makes each of these individuals so interesting?" The General nodded and gestured to the board where he has a presentation set up.

"Mr. President I'm going to first introduce the pilots, the aircraft they pilot, the weapons as well as the skill sets they have shown and of course I'll introduce the leader at the end." He gestured to the board which pulls up the first person as well as the aircraft.

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