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Clauis grimaced as he opened his eyes, he squinted them in pain due to sudden brightness, he blinked a few times to get used to the bright light as he looked around the room, he looked at his patient shirt and moved it up, surprisingly there was no bruise. He looked around the room, it seemed he was in the infirmary.

Then memories came flashing in his head as he trembled all over, he hugged himself and curled himself on the bed, his knees close to his chest as he sniffled. He didn't understand what was going on.

"Oh my? You are awake Pretty boy." His body seemed to loosen in response as he looked at the old woman, she looked so kind. He sat straight up and looked at her didn't say anything, but his eyes held expectancy for the woman to continue speaking.

Clauis had never heard such a loving warm voice, he wanted to hear more of it and it was clearly reflected in his eyes. The old head chuckled, though the young boy had no expression his eyes held a lot of emotions and as a experienced old woman who had seen and experienced most of the world, reading Clauis's emotions through his eyes was fairly easy.

"Well-" Clauis coughed, his voice was hoarse and his throat dry, Maria(the head nurse) quickly poured water into a glass handed it to him, Clauis gulped down the water and instantly flet relief from the cold liquid. "How long?" Clauis knew if he was out of it, it had to be days since he would asleep/unconscious.

"Well, student Clauis it's been a week since you passed out, you were heavily bruised and you had gone into a forced heat." She explained Clauis his condition, pity in her eyes, heats and ruts start at the age of 18 and Clauis was still 16. The academy was to be held responsible for letting a near alpha rut exposed to a young and more importantly an omega, the academy had to pay.

"Why bandages?" His whole upper body was covered in bandages. "Well when you were in your heat you were scratching yourself pretty harmfully, we had no choice but to chain you down."

He frowned, chained? He was chained? Noticing his change of expression Maria quickly laughed loudly as she had seen the most funniest thing. Clauis was taken aback by the sudden laughter and even felt offended by it.

"I- I am so sorry!" wiping her tears, she continued, "don't worry we didn't chain you down, but we had to use cloths to hold you down by tieing." She said, her voice kind and sweet, like giving comfort to a broken child.

Clauis didn't say anything, he turned his head and looked away, suddenly the sky started to look more interesting. Maria had a amused look at the boy's antic.

"Anyways, it's good that you have woken up, I was starting to get worried. Your father-"

"Father?" Clauis interrupted her, surprised at the word 'father'. His father arrived? He saved him? He blinked twice and visibly frowned, confusion still in his eyes.

"That's right, you father! That man called a saintess for you!" A saintess?

"So? Should I feel grateful? It was my father who defeated the demon king, the church owes him enough to send mere saintess. No need to make something so big out of something trivial."

'No matter how much he looks like her, he acts like his father, yet hates his whole guts, well can't blame him that guy is an asshole of a father.' Maria simply smiled at Clauis, she removed the suffocating bandages and freed Clauis from the snakes of cloth.

"Well, student Clauis-" Maria turned towards Clauis, her tone serious. "-the academy will be taking responsibility for what happened no doubt about that. But right now I want to discuss about what changes your body had gotten."

Changes? 'Wait- back then she said heat-"

"That's right student Clauis, as you were exposed to strong alpha pheromones, it forced you into premature heat. So your heat cycle has started 2 years earlier, it's not common but it's not rare to have a heat or rut cycle this early." Forced into heat? Clauis clenched his fists and glared at the blanket over his laps.

Heat. He hated it as soon as he heard of it, a painful process that every omega or alpha go through. It's painful of your not by your mate's side. And his mate? Who knows where he is?

Maria who noticed this, reassuringly entangled thier fingers, "Don't worry, though it isn't easy, you can go through this after all you are so strong."

That was such a stupid thing to say, do strong people don't care about their own pain? Do they not go through any pain? What are they? Robots? Does he look or sound like some hero? He just wants to die a painless death, but his omega part of the mind keeps him alive, in hopes of his mate to arrive.

Clauis, actually hates pain so this heat shit a big no no, but it's not like he can have sex either, having sex before 18? His body isn't mature enough! His body has yet to produce 'slik' so how does he even go through this heat period of his?

"While you go into your heat, the academy will give you the utmost care and protection, you can either stay in your dorm or come in here! And this won't affect your attendance at the academy."

That's all for the compensation? His genetics have been messed up not only that but he has to go through this shitty heat, and the only thing they do is ignore his attendance record? That's it? They sound they are doing him a favour! He is so close to kill-

"Hey! Calm down! You pheromones are a mess!" Ah- his pheromones must have acted up, now that he's matured enough for this, well it won't be long time before his body can produce slik. Probably by his next heat.

Hey everyone! Hello there! I wasn't really expecting to get over 100 views over the past chapters considering how late i have updated! I just wanted to thank you all! And I think I will be changing the first previous chapter, seeing how different they are from the recent chapters especially the first one! Not only that but I am also planning on deleting the mc introduction chapter! What do you think about that?

The introduction chapter of the mc doesn't actually make any sense to me especially the IQ part! Please forgive me, i was new to wattapad and didn't know shit about how to write a novel! I only read a few fanfictions and decided to jump to original story! At first I wasn't really sure how this would go.

I actually had so many doubts about this, and I was so sure I was going to leave this story in the middle like how I always do. But looking at how many reads and votes this gets I actually have decided on how to end it. Do not worry we are still very far away from the desired ending.

But this is note is just my appreciation to all those who read my story. I am still a learning author who is improving little by little (I think so considering the difference between the old chaps and the recent chapters) I am still exploring this new world.

I am just glad that you guys reach my story. And the reads for now are 77.6k nearing 100 if you ask me! And that is not a small number! And the votes are 3.6k.

Just so you know we have even yet to reach chapter 50! And we are nearing 100k reads and 5k votes! I am truly happy! And I am always up for new ideas or any side stories you want. I know how confusing everything is right now in the story but I will try my best to make everything sense! Suspense in needed. I think everyone is mostly confused about derik the father of our dearest mc. Hehe everything will be revealed in due time

[DISCONTINUED] Villain's Earnest Wish Of Death Where stories live. Discover now