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Ok... So before you write any negative comment(s) read the chap fully and the note at the end.


To say that the tea party was a success would be an understatement, it just went how he had planned, don't blame him, the princess came to him first, in the novel, she was the reason for the downfall of clauis's social standing, The third princess of this country... Laura Krega, pampered and spoiled by her mother the king.

She is obsessed with her brother like how my brothers are obsessed with me now, she supported the relationship between male lead and female lead very much, she was just as affectionate of female lead as she was of male lead.

When she came to know that clauis was an obstacle between them, she quickly planned schemes against him, because of her preparing tea parties frequently she had quite the social standing and clauis? He was nothing, a scum omega who acted high and mighty, he was publically shamed and embarrassed by her. Now? The situation has changed.

Standing on the balcony his hands on the railing of made of coloured stone, he gripped it tight. 'Clauis, are you watching? I hope so, I will... Take revenge, for you clauis, so after everything is over... Please come back and take back your body, this world, this family everything, is yours, I don't own anything, so for possessing your body, this is my payment, I will make them kneel, everyone that has wronged you, so wait, wait patiently and leave it to me.' He thought to himself with a slight, rare smile.


Julie was new, she didn't know much about the duchy other than the rumours she had heard, it wasn't bad... It was terrifying!!! She walked while pushing the trolley, her head down and low, how? How could the youngest master be so rude to the princess!!! And the after effect? No one was talking bad about the youngest master other than the royal faction which was lessening as the time passed by.

And something more terrifying was the head butler was ready to attack!! He had literal knives in his hand ready!!! And those were some of the sharpest knife she has seen!

And the knights? The knights at the had their swords out and ready to attack!! Not to mention the youngest master was almost killed!

She slowly knocked on the door, "Y-Youngest master... I have brought supper." She said stuttering and gulped after hearing a 'Come in'. Entering the study, she looked at her youngest master who sitting behind the study table, she quickly brought the tea and other snacks to the small rectangular shaped table some meters away from the study table, she arranged the snacks and poured the tea as clauis stood up and walked over to the sofa and sitting on it gracefully and sipping his tea elegantly, his actions were so fluid and confident.

Yet worry struck her heart as she looked at the eyebags under her youngest master's eyes, his pale skin Paler... And there was a bit of redness... 'Did he cry?' she thought to herself.

"Youngest master... Can I get anything else for you?" She asked hesitantly.

Clauis looked at her eyebrow raised in question, "Nothing, But, If you can't handle it, leave." She froze, it seems her youngest master had realised her fear of the duchy, it was true, if a war broke out between the royals and martinas she will end up dead. She knows that... But still she doesn't want to leave. As long as she has seen Clauis.... She can tell, he is suffering, she wants to lessen that burden as much as she can.

"Youngest master." She said, gripping her white apron that was over her maid dress, "I may not be the s-strongest, But... I am s-stubborn! I won't leave! I... I d-decided to come here... So I will stay here! I won't r-regret it!" Although she may have stuttered, her gaze held that confidence. She will never leave his side!


Clauis hates it, hates these optimistic kind of people that look so full of life, they are so bright, he detests it, it's disgusting to him, so what if living requires courage? Dying does too! People don't commit suicide for fun... Suicide... It's a black mark on the society rather than the person.

Everyone blames the person that commited suicide.

'I heard she committed suicide because her crush rejected her.' What did they know about love? What if that woman was so dependant on him, what if... What if she saw that future that he never did, have you ever thought of the sacrifices she had made for her love?

'I heard he committed suicide because a company rejected him.' What if that his dream company? His goal, his last stop, try again? What gave you the right to gossip when you weren't there to support him?

'I heard she was humiliated in school that's why she commented suicide.' Do you know pride? Having pride isn't always a bad thing, how was she humiliated? How long was she humiliated before she died? Why didn't the teachers do anything? Why did they feign ignorance?

'I heard it was because he failed in his exam.' Do you know disappointment? Do you what it feels like to be looked like a failure? When you have such expectations placed on yourself that are so far off your league, yet you continue to thrive with no one by your side, but how far could that person could go? The answer is simple... Not that far...

'I heard it was because his nudes were leaked.' So what if it's his nudes that were leaked? Do you think his family didn't give him that look of disappointed, do you think he was not publically shamed for his private parts? So what's it if he is a guy, does he not have privacy of his private parts?

It's because society rejects and make these people outcasts that they are forced to give up. Everyone needs support, even a CEO without his employees there is only so much he can do. Everyone is one way or the other dependant on each other. But when no one supports you, even though you have done nothing wrong, that's despair, that's helplessness. Suicide... It's not the person's fault, the person didn't give up, the society gave up on them... That's why they died... The society should be feeling shamed that another one of theirs died. Yet they push the blame on the dead, they refuse to take responsibility, they don't even leave the dead in peace...


By no means I have written this to popularise suicide, don't take this chapter as some kind of an indication to commit suicide or its ok to commit suicide, before you die please think about your father, your siblings, your family, your mother who spent hours on hospital bed giving birth to you, how much pain she had to go through to bring you into this world. This is just fiction and thoughts of Clauis written in third pov. ONCE AGAIN DO NOT TAKE THIS CHAPTER AS AN INDICATION TO COMMIT SUICIDE.

The reason why I didn't put up a warning is because it spoils the fun, as reader expects the content of the chapter and then the mysteriousness goes away. This chapter is purely for fictional purposes don't take it seriously and comment negatively about it it's a request.

[DISCONTINUED] Villain's Earnest Wish Of Death Where stories live. Discover now