Imagine you could travel back in time, to a time long before man. Back across 66 million years. As you would travel, you would see huge changes in the vegetation and the climate. Even the surface of the Earth itself would move as mountain ranges are pushed up by colliding continents
66 Million Years Ago, Cretaceous Period
Now you've reached a remarkable period in Earth's history known as the Cretaceous. It is a very different world. The Himalayas do not yet exist and the Atlantic is only half as wide. Grass has only just appeared in this time. Most of the vegetation here is made up of conifer forests and fern prairies.
This is a world ruled by dinosaurs. Giants like Tyrannosaurus an 8 ton predator stalks the landscape. In addition, dinosaurs like Torosaurus and Edmontosaurus browse on the vegetation. In Walking with Dinosaurs you will witness how these magnificent creatures lived. How they ate, fought, and reproduced.
You will also witness how the forces of nature conspire to drive these animals into extinction. But this series will also take you back much further.
152 Million Years Ago, Jurassic Period
Back to the Jurassic Period, a time when life on Earth was its most spectacular. Creatures like Stegosaurus bathe in a warm tropical climate. There are no icecaps at the poles. Flowers and broadleaf trees have not yet appeared. In the air and on the land, the world is dominated by reptiles.
By far the most common are the dinosaurs, like the giant Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus. But they are not the only giants. Pterosaurs like Rhamphorhynchus live in the sky. Below them massive marine reptiles like Pliosaurus harvest the rich oceans. However, first this series will go back even further, to discover where dinosaurs came from.
221 MYA, Triassic Period, Arizona
This is our Earth during the Triassic period. Here there are no separate continents, just one giant landmass called Pangaea. It is a harsh place, dominated by deserts. The Triassic has already seen many different varieties of ancient animals come and go. But now out of this dry wilderness has appeared something revolutionary.
A family of reptiles destined to shape the course of life on Earth. These are the first dinosaurs, and this is where our story begins.
First light across the western hills of Earth's only continent, Pangaea. This world has been ruled by one group of strange animals called synapsids for over 97 million years, but these ancient creatures have had their day. All over these lush fern prairies a grim evolutionary battle has broken out and among the newer types of animals for supremacy of this strange world. On these Triassic proving grounds, dinosaurs are still comparatively rare. But they are beginning to show the first signs of their future success.
Walking with Dinosaurs Reborn (To be Rewritten)
FanfictionTake a journey back to a lost world and go Walking with Dinosaurs. Feel the awesome power of Tyrannosaurus rex and witness the awesome size of Brachiosaurus.