eighteen | the day i met her father

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AN : can you please vote? maybe comment a heart? thankyou<3

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James Bell was an intimidating man. Even in his late fifties, it looked as if this man could pass a military test should the situation arrive. He was fit in every way that mattered after having lived through almost six decades.

He had the same brown hair as Vienna but while hers reached up to below her shoulder, his were in a buzz cut, styled neatly, not a single hair out of its place. He was dressed in casual jeans and a green shirt that suited his olive skin as well as bought out his dark green eyes. Clearly, Vienna hadn't inherited her deep brown eyes from her dad.

While his outfit spoke informal at best, the scowl etched permanently on his face screamed volumes. So apparently, he was unimpressed by my pale blue hoodie and ripped jeans. As his eyes raked over my face, first searching my blue eyes and then landing on my silver dangling ear piercing, his scowl deepened. Definitely unimpressed.

"Kyst, son, how are you?" My dad, ever the pleaser excitedly boomed from his chair behind the desk in his study. His hair was neatly styled and while he'd usually be dressed in either sweatpants and worn out shirts at this time of the day, today morning he was decked in a pair of one of his new jeans and a shirt.

So of course my dad knew that James Bell was a freak and he hadnt thought of mentioning it to me. Just fucking great.

And why the fuck was I getting clammy?

"Good, dad, you?" I spoke through gritted teeth, narrowing my eyes at him. "Just hoping I wasn't too late." I slid my eyes towards the couch sitting on the wall to the side of my dad's desk where James Bell sat straight, like he owned this entire mansion. This man's confidence was on some other level.

"Oh no," my dad spoke, bringing my attention back to his. "James just arrived too. Come on, let's chat." Getting up from his chair behind the desk, my dad sat next to his best friend on the couch, gesturing for me to pull out a chair and sit with them.

Like a lamb about to be put to sacrifice, I dragged the chair from my father's desk and perched myself on top of it across the sofa. My dad and Vienna's dad stared at me intently, waiting for me to say something.

I leaned my hand forward for James to shake. "Hello, Mr. Bell. It's so good to finally see you." It wasn't. The man that had made Vienna suffer so much, made her think she was less, unlovable, worthless and what not would never be someone I'd be happy to meet with.

Raising a brow, he shook his hand with mine, firm and strong. "Kyst Archer. Good to see you too." With the way he tightened his hand around mine before withdrawing, I was sure he wasn't very happy meeting me either.

"So," my dad spoke, not leaving any space for any sort of awkward silence. "James has news. I mean he had news the last time we met when I'd stayed home and done the cooking while your mum rested, he'd told me about it but it wasn't confirmed yet." My dad spared a glance towards James and after a passed moment between the two, he looked at me again and said, "But yesterday, it was finally confirmed."

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