forty | our love, our home

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AN: im late. as usual. bomb chapter coming up>>

I had known Vienna wouldn't react happily to what I had done

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I had known Vienna wouldn't react happily to what I had done. I had expected the anger and the confusion. Maybe I was even expecting some sort of happiness there but I knew the chances were highly unlikely. What I hadn’t expected was the way her lips trembled and she looked up at me with sad eyes. What I hadn’t expected to see was the grief swimming in the depths of her eyes, so vivid.

I felt my heart slow. “What’s wrong, baby?” I asked her, shifting closer.

I tried taking her hands in mine but she shrugged away from me, slamming the file of papers in her hand on the coffee table before staring at me dangerously. “What’s wrong!?” she exclaimed, her eyes tearing. “Do you know what’s in this papers!?? Do you know what you’ve done?”

“Yes. Of course I know what I’ve done,” I said calmly, hoping to not get on her nerves with my next sentence. “I signed my—”

“You fucking idiot! You just gave me your penthouse!! The— they— these papers. . . . they read that you’ve signed the ownership of your penthouse to me!” she yelled, her hands flying everywhere, emotions raw in her voice. “Tell me it was a mistake. Tell me you didn’t mean to give me your penthouse. Tell me. Right now!”

“No,” I said, inhaling a breath slowly. “No, I cannot tell you it was a mistake because it wasn’t. This place that we’re living in now is yours. This is your weddin—”

“HAVE YOU LOST YOU GODDAMN MIND!?” she shrieked, her eyes brimming with fire as hot, angry tears ran down her cheeks and she wiped them away. “I don’t need a fucking penthouse as a marriage gift. What is the meaning of this, Kyst!? Are you trying to buy me with th—”

“Shut up.” My hands shook. My voice was barely above a whisper when I looked at her with unflinching disapproval. Had she not known me yet? How could she think I wanted to buy her love? Did she think so little of me? Had I never meant anything to her? “Vienna, baby, look, I would die for you but right now I need you to shut the fuck up. One more careless word out of your mouth and I—” I sucked in a sharp breath, feeling anger seeping into my bones. “I will fuck those stupid thoughts out of your head.”

“For God’s sake, Kyst! This is fucking serious!!” She levelled me with a glare, her nose flaring. “Why would you give your penthouse, your home, to me?”

“Because you refused to call it ours!” I threw my hands up, breathing heavily.

She blinked, confused. “Wha—what?”

“I have forgotten the amount of times I’ve reminded you this penthouse is as much yours as it was mine but you refused to acknowledge it that way. I hated it. Ever since I kissed you on that beach and you stole my heart from right under my nose, what has been mine has been yours,” I explained, taking her hand in mine. She trembled as I intertwined her fingers with mine, her anger from earlier evaporating as the sadness crept back in. “And so I decided if I officially named it to you, you would have no choice but to call it yours.”

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