forty two | regrets

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TW: violence

AN: goodbye?

There were so many things I'd have done right had I known this would've been my end

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There were so many things I'd have done right had I known this would've been my end. There were so many times in the last three weeks when Kyst had tried to talk to me and I had ignored him because I didn't trust myself around him. There were so many times when Lily had called me and apologized to me for keeping me in the dark. She had told me multiple times to forgive Kyst; that it killed him to hide something so important from me, especially when he loved me so much.

I had forgiven Lily. Why hadn't I forgiven her brother, my husband too? Why hadn't I jumped in his arms and let him take care of me? Why had I ignored every one of his efforts when all he had wanted was for me to trust him? I had thought we had a lifetime to laugh and love but as the car I was in drove on and on with no signs of stopping, I felt myself drowning in regrets.

My head ached from the pain I'd been feeling since I hit my head against the backseat of the car. My heart was racing a million miles per hour and even then I felt all my energy drain. What had I done so wrong that I was being stripped off of every happiness I'd ever felt?

The man that had dumped me into this car had told me to shut up and die. Who was he? Why was I being taken? Where was I being taken? When he had wrapped an arm around my mouth, I'd found it familiar but the fear had paralyzed my brain and I couldn't bring myself to think more of it.

The person had tied my hands infront of me so they rested on my abdomen but for some time my legs had been untied so I had kept on banging them against the trunk door or against the seats, hoping and praying atleast someone would realise there was something wrong and maybe help me. But about three minutes in, the person had stopped the car and tied my legs too.

He had a black mask on his face. It was the kind where everything was covered except for the two holes in place of the eyes and because of that, it was impossible to recognise him. "Quiet," he had growled and when I had started to yell, he had grabbed a paperball and stuffed it in my mouth, gagging me. "Or I will throw you the fuck off this fucking cliff and no one will find your remains."

I had stayed quiet since, not wanting to die because of my own stupidity. My muscles were sore after being in a foetus position for so long, my tied legs brought upto my chest and my arms on my knees as I struggled to breathe against the gag, the sandy texture of the paper sticking to my tongue and the roof of my mouth.

The road we'd been on was bumpy and every once in a while, I bounced as my kidnapper drove past a speed breaker with no care in the world. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact of another bounce as I suspected a bumper coming soon and it did. Even though I was prepared for the hit, I still yelped against the makeshift gag as the fucker drove off it without slowing down, causing me to hit my head against the seat again. That asshole.

I was still recovering from the impact of having hit my head when something brushed against my knee. I jerked my head, startled and terrified even as hope reignited somewhere in my chest. What was it?

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