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You hurriedly exited the classroom. Natty waiting by the door. "Merlin! That was embarrassing"she laughed. "Not funny to me." You mumbled. Sebastian walked out with garreth laughing beside him. "Now that was a great class." He smirked. Sebastian put his arm around you. "So," "so." You replied crossing your arms. Natty accidentally bumped into you as a group of new students pushed past. She scoffed. "Is it summer recruit season already?" she rolled her eyes. "So.. did it smell like me." He whispered as the 4 of you began walking to the dining hall for dinner. You glared . "What? I'm only teasing darling." He coped. You noticed Poppy and Ominous sat with Atticus and Imelda. Imelda played with the food on her plate as you sat across from her ,next to Poppy. "What's got you in a slump?" You asked Sebastian joining beside you. "Cressida and Leander broke up, she was so devastated that she went home. She's not coming back till the next school year." She exclaimed. "Oh man! That sucks. Whyd they breakup?" Natty interjected. "He was caught with one of the new summer school transfers." She told. "Jeez, that doesn't sound like Leander." Garreth spoke. "He's your roommate did you not know?" Sebastian teased. "Honestly I haven't seen him much these last few days, only in the halls and class." "Weird." You mumbled eating your dinner. "Are you guys excited for the party later? A little pre graduation celebration." Atticus gleamed. "We don't graduate for another month." Poppy joked. "I know, doesn't hurt to celebrate though" Atticus smirked. Everyone laughed finishing their dinners. "Well, I should probably start getting ready, I have some homework I need to catch up on before I get ready for the party." You spoke standing. "Oh, I'll let you use my notes." Natty said standing next to you. "Girls study sesh?" Imelda joked. "I'm in." Poppy smiled. "Why do we never get to go." Garreth whined. Sebastian smacked his arm. "Ow!" "Let them have their girl time. We can have a brotherly pregame." Sebastian smirked putting his arms around Atticus and Garreth's shoulders. You waved the boys bye heading back to natty and Imelda's dorm.

A few hours later...

"Thanks, that spell seemed worse than it was." You laughed closing your notebook. "Anytime. I haven't seen you in class in a few days. So I figured I'd pay extra attention." Natty smiled. Imelda burst through the side door, "blue or green." She held 2 dresses. "Blue." Natty replied. "But I always wear blue." She groaned. "Then wear green." Poppy smiled laying reading a book on the bed. "But what if someone thinks I'm trying to impress a slytherin." She complained. "Are you?" You teased pulling your shirt down over your chest. "Bloody hell. I'm not." She snarked. "You know it's okay to crush." Natty teased. "Yeah the last time I crushed, he tried to kill you so." "Oh yeah, forgot about that for a moment." You laughed. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You heard a whistle. "Natty." You rolled your eyes. "You're hot, I don't know why you fancy sallow." Imelda joked. You blushed. "He's handsome." You replied opening the door heading to the Slytherin Common Room. The girls following behind you.

Garreth greeted you 4 like always, offering shots of fire whiskey. In his left hand he held a different drink, red in color. "Cheers ladies!" You clinked taking the shots. Imelda coughed. "Ugh that never gets easier." You laughed. "What're you sipping on?" Poppy pointed to the pretty drink. "Oh I'm not sure, some new kids bought a round for almost everybody!" He stated drink it. You looked around. "How come only the guys have them?" " Maybe they didn't get here first. Im not sure I have to go rehearse." He spoke hugging you guys and leaving. "Weird." "Definitely weird." Natty mumbled. You made your way to the table by the stag where Ominous sat. "About time, now that Sebastian's joined the band, you're the only lot I've got for friends." He joked kissing poppy's cheek. "Ominous, why don't you have one of those fruity cocktails they passed out?" Poppy questioned. "I smelled sour and not in the good way." He spoke. "There's a good sour?" You teased. "Yeah, like lemons, or tart candies." He smiled softly. "Like Poppy?" Imelda teased. Making poppy blush. Your conversation was interrupted by the band beginning.

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