Prologue- Leslie

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He continued to thrust into me like a woodpecker as I fake moaned a screechy "come on" trying to sound like a porn star because if this wasn't going to be enjoyable for me it could at least be amazing for Sam. He is the hot nerd in my physics lecture I thought I'd give a chance to when I saw him at Pier 21, the hottest new club in D.C., earlier tonight.

He continued his The Flash style shallow thrust for about two minutes until he released with the most pathetic-sounding sob I have ever heard in my life.

What have I gotten myself into?

There has to be something wrong with me right? I fucked 3 different guys, and have probably been masturbating, sorry for the TMI, since I was 17, and the only time I have ever cum was with a guy who shortly after the fact broke my heart.

It's starting to piss me off.

I untangle my lef]gs from his much skinnier ones, feeling the cum he decided to shoot all over my stomach smear between us, uh gross. I visibly cringe and quickly fix my disgusted facial expression before he notices, just because he couldn't make me come doesn't mean I have to be an asshole about it.

I quickly jump off of the couch we were just fucking on, if you could even call it that, before searching for my clothes, and just my luck I can't find my purple lace panties.

Just great.

I look to see the guy who just fucked me 1 way to nowhere, knocked out on the couch, I'm one hell of an actress if I got him that tired but like come on dude you lasted no more than four minutes.

I decide to skip the awkward "Did you cum" conversation and just leave before he wakes up because one thing about me, I am the most brutally honest person on this planet and I would not be able to say yes. 

I exit his room before putting on my clothes not wanting to chance waking him up but the second they are on I all but bolt out of his one-bedroom apartment. I  accidentally trip over my feet a couple of times, but to my surprise, I don't fall once, so just minor slip-ups.

The second I am out of the apartment complex I allow myself to breathe. That is until I reach the parking lot and realize that I didn't drive there, Sam brought me, and I have no idea where.

What makes it even worse is that I do this no-phone rule on nights out and I don't have anyone's number memorized, I moved to D.C. probably 5 months ago and I'm not good with that especially now that you can save contact names on your phone.


I let out an exasperated sigh because that's not true, I know one person's number by heart and he just so happens to live in the same city as me, but what's worse than everything that has happened tonight? He's the only guy to have ever made me cum: Rowan Evangelatos, my heartbreaker.

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