Chapter 15

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At dinner, dad, mom and Leam talking about business and Im just quitely listening. I don't know how I ended seated beside Leam. Mom seated on the right side of my dad while Leam in the left. Suddenly, I felt out of place.

"Chain, are you okey? You're too quite." mom asked.

"Y-yes mom. Nothing to worry. I'm just tired." I said smiling.

"How's the company?" dad asked coldly me.

"We currently working on our two big project. I give you the complete report in the next meeting." I replied.

"That's good. I'm looking forward for a good report then." dad said.

"Yes Sir." I said.

"Leam, I heard your making business with RL Group?

"Yes 'Dad'. Although it's hard to approach the CEO but gladly he considered our proposal? Leam said.

" That was really great. I know you can do it. I wish we can do a business also with them but the CEO rejected us twice." my dad said after compliment Leam.

"Really 'dad'? But I heard the new CEO of your company and Mr Lenarez lifetime partner are really closed." Leam said smiling at me.

I looked down and ignore his words.

"Who? Our new CEO? Are you referring to Chain?" dad asked Leam and looked at me.

"Yes 'dad'. Am I right Chain? Leam asked me.

"He's just a friend from high school. We are not that really close. Beside he never yet introduce me to his husband. So I didn't know Mr Rulden Lenarez personally. " I said explaining.

Actually, the truth is Lake and me are very close even before. But he suddenly busy traveling everywhere. We lost communication in a way but just recently he contacted me to make it up. But I don't want to be used in any business purposes so I decided to tell a lie. I don't want to bother Lake about favors. If Rulden rejected the proposal of our company that means he's not impressed with it.

"Well, I guess I misunderstood."
said Leam seriously looking at me.

"Yes, you are."

After dinner I excused myself. "Please excuse me, I want to rest now. I'll go to my room first." I said taking my leave.

"Wait! Can I discuss something with you?" Leam asked. " I know you're tired. It won't take long." he said convincing me when he saw my hesitation.

"Okey." I said.

"You can use the study room son." my mom said to me smiling.

Although I felt weird the way my mom looked at me. I guide Leam to the study room.

"What is it?" I asked after closing the door.

To my surprise he grab my waist and kiss me on the lips.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I said shockingly.

"It's ashame to ask a good night kiss in front of your parents." he said smirking.

"You're crazy! You just tricked me?!" I accused him.

He pulled me more closer to him. "Uhm, and I'm sorry for that sweetheart. Obviously, I'm going crazy about you." he kissed me again.

"Let me go, they might see us."



"You have to tell me first why you lie a while ago, about your friendship with Lake."

"What are you talking about?"

"I remembered Rulden said to me, he never let his husband go drinking with someone he can't trust. Since, he let the two of you to have fun that night, that means he trusted you because you are someone very closed to his husband." he said smiling.

I sigh. This bastard is such a witty. He caught me off guard. "Okey, fine. I just don't want to bother my friend to his husband's deals." I said.

"But if you think wisely, it's an advantage for you to deal with RL Group."

"Maybe, but what for? I gonna leave the company soon. I won't let myself stock in a business proposal. "

"What is the problem with that, it's your company, by the way."

"Do you think dad would recognize me by doing that? I doubt it. He never appreciate me once. His company and his profit that's important most to him."

"Chain, that's not true. He's so grateful for doing great right now. You lead your subordinate rightly."

"Don't fool me Sir. Maybe for you or for other, but for my dad, It's not possible. In his eyes you are the only one great for him." I said upset.

He held my face. "Hey, looked at me, are you jealous of me?" he asked.

"I don't know. Maybe." I said honestly.

"Seriously? Please don't be. Dad always love you. You're his only son."

"But he disowned me long time ago."

"Of course not. He never did that."

"What the point of arguing about this, when you always in his side." I said trying to let go from his arms.

He tighten his arms around me. "No. That's not true. I'm always at your side. I always spoiled you, remember, I did things behind your dad's back for you. The time you decided to leave this house I'm with you, I didn't leave you, right?"

That's true. He support me. He never leave me even the time I openly said I'm gay. "I know. I'm sorry." I said my apology to him when I realized my mistake.

"That's okey sweetheart. I won't force you to do the first move, to make thing better with dad, but please consider it, will you?" he said smiling.

"Umm." I nod.

"Now, that everything is cleared and had explained your side. Let me wipe away this sad face." he said and kiss me again in the lips. This time, the kiss is so soft and gentle. I put my arms around his neck to welcome more kisses from him. When it's getting deeper I push him slightly.

"W-wait, we better stop now before we got far." I said when I realized where in my dad study room.

"A little bit more.." Leam said softly.

"No... You said a while ago, it won't take long..."

"Are you trying to used my word to me now umm...?" he asked and smooched my cheek.

"No, I'm just trying to stop you... better go home now. It's getting late."

"Why can't you just invite me sleep in your room tonight?" he tease.

"I can't. You're too dangerous for me." I teased back.

"Really, how dangerous umm... ? He gave me peek in my lips.

"Very dangerous, Sir."

"Then better be aware, because next time you won't get away from this dangerous man sweetheart." he smiled. "Walk me to my car please." he said sweetly.


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