Chapter 19🔞🔞🔞

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Leam enjoying his self in devouring me. I was quite stunned when I felt his middle finger entering inside me and slowly trusting.

"L-Leam..." I whisper in nervous.

"Shhhh... It's gonna me okey sweetheart... Let me ready you first..." he whisper too. And I let him do and go on to what he want to do. I need to trust him to this matter even it feels weird. I put my arms around his neck and buried my face to his shoulder. "Tell me if it's hurt okey." he said in husky voice. I just nod. After a while I felt another finger entered.

"Its hurt..." I said and gasped.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked.

"N-no. Just go on..." I replied.

"Sure?" he asked hesitating.

"Umm." I nod.

"Chain, look at me..." I moved my head to look at him. "I love you so much..."

"I love you too, Leam. I love you."

Leam pull out his finger inside me and kiss me on the lips before he lift my legs to his shoulders. "Don't forget to breath sweetheart..." he said and slowly enter his dick inside my hole. At first, I felt tearing up, but after a few thrusting that he made, the pain replace of uncontrollable excitement.

"Hmmm... Leam..."

"Really feels good sweetheart... Its really warm inside you... Mm... "

"Leam... Ahhh... Too... fast..."

"Sorry Chain... I can't control myself now... you really make me feel so good...please kiss me sweetheart... kiss me." Leam demand and I obeyed.

When climax reach us. We both ended up panting and breathless in tiredness.

"That was wonderful sweetheart." Leam said satisfied and asked suddenly. "Are you okey? Did I made hard for you?"

"No. Don't worry I'm okey, just a little pain down there."

"Im sorry." he apologize and kiss my forehead.

"Umm." I replied.

"Let me carry you to wash." he rise in bed and about to carry me.

"No need, I can walk by my self."

"Come on, you said you're in pain."

"But I can still manage to walk..."

He still carry me even I refused to. "Dont argue sweetheart, just let me clean you up."

"A-are we done..?" I asked shyly while going toward the bathroom.

Leam teasingly smile."Why you asking? Do you want another round?"

I blushed hard. "I'm just asking... I read men usually don't satisfied in one round."

"That's right. But I don't want to take advantage of you, I know this is your first time."

"How..?" I asked in shock.

"Sweetheart, I felt it and saw it on my own."

"Im sorry.."

"Sorry for what?"

"For disappoint you, I'm still innocent in this matter. And I don't know how to do it proper..."

"Hey... what are you talking about. Sweetheart, I'm honored to be your first man and I'm make sure I'll be your last man too. Don't worry too much, let's both learn to this okey... I teach you what I learned just be a willing student... Umm..." he said while putting me in bathtub. He stared me for a while. "Shit, Can I change my mind?" he asked whispering. I felt his warm breath blowing my ear.

"A-about what..."

"About taking advantage of you. Instead, I want another rounds sweetheart."


"I'll be more gentle this time..." he said and kiss me hungrily.

In the morning, Leam still sleeping when I woke up. I felt my back so aches and my ass swollen. I tried to rise slowly in bed so I can't bother Leam sleep. I'm about to stand when an arm sorround my waist.

"Where do you think you're going?" Leam asked in bedroom voice.

"Bathroom. Get ready for work."

"Who told you, you can work today? Let's just cuddle the whole day sweetheart."

"We can't, it's weekend Hawi is not around."

"But you still in pain."

"I just take painhealer."

"Okey. But let me accompany you in café. Don't get tired much, still recovering from last night."

"Come on I'm not that weak."

"I know, I just want you to reserve your remaining energy for tonight." he said directly.

"Leam! You pervert!"

Leam just laugh and carry me in the bathroom to have shower together.

In café...

My staff keep on teasing me secretly.

"Sir, where did you sleep last night? one of my staff whispered to me.

"Why you asked?"

"Obviously, the shirt you wearing is not yours. Is that Mr. Napolles shirt?" he tease.

"Shut up, bastard." I said. But to my surprise he laugh so loud. "What the fuck!"

"Sir, you're blushing. Are you inlove?"

"Do you want me to fired you?"

He just laugh again and walk away. When I met Leam eyes, he winked to me and say I love you in mute voice.

After a while the café was so busy. Customers are come and go.

"Is it always like this?" Leam asked to me.

"Not often."

"Well, I guess I'm such a luck to you today."

"Do you think so?"

"Yes, that's why I need a reward."


"Yes, like this..." he said and suddenly kiss me on the lips. Is just a quick kiss, but that's not the issue, the issue is, he did it in front of my staffs and customers.

"Leam!" I protest.

"What?" he asked smirking.

"There's so many people."

"Why? I just kiss my man, what's wrong with that?"

"Its embarrassing."

"Why embarrassing? if you want you can kiss me back also." he teased. "And I guess they don't mind also, right guys?"

"No, of course we don't mind Sir..." my staffs replied. I felt my face heated up.

"Ahh! You're shameless." I said and walk toward the kitchen to avoid those many eyes teasing me.

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