Julian Devorak x Reader

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(Back in my arcana phase for the millionth time)

Y/n was taking care of the shop while Asra was out getting something from town. She had Faust draped on her shoulders and she was happily shelving some books that Asra had been looking through earlier. She wasn't paying much attention until she heard the door bust open. A tall figure dressed in plague doctor attire. She took notice of his crimson hair and had remembered Asra saying he knew someone with red hair like that. She didn't know who this was so she just stared at him until Faust slithered over to him.

"Faust no!" Y/n whisper shouted

 He seemed scared of Faust. Faust spared no time and wrapped around his neck making his mask fall to the ground. 

"Squeeze!" Faust said 

When people's familiars can speak it means they have a close bond. Faust was Asra's familiar but Y/n never knew why she could hear Faust talk. Y/n continued to watch Faust and the man in fear and shock. Suddenly someone cam up behind the red head and hit him in the back of the head with a book. The doctor fell to the ground allowing Y/n to run past him to Asra who was standing in the door with a heavy looking book in his hands.

"Asra!" Y/n exclaimed running and hugging him the magician hugged her immeadiatley

"Y/n you're ok right?" Asra asked 

"Yeah I'm fine" Y/n told him 

"Well I'm not thanks a lot Asra" The strange man said standing up and facing the two

"Julian you scared my apprentice" Asra said

"Well it's not my fault she didn't know me" Julian told him leaning down a bit to meet him face to face.

"Y/n this is Julian, Julian his is my apprentice Y/n" Asra kept Y/n close to him while Faust slithered up to her shoulders

"Wow... well anyway you have any leaches and lavender" Julian asked

"Yeah give me a sec" Asra said walking past him into the shop leaving him and Y/n alone at the door

"So.... you're Y/n?" Julian broke the silence 

"Yeah that's me... Mr?" 

"Devorak, Julian Devorak" Julian extended his hand for Y/n to shake

Y/n accepted his hand and smiled at him.

"Sorry for scaring you earlier and that snake sure likes her hugs doesn't she?" Julian laughed

"It's alright and Faust is a very cuddly snake" Y/n said giving Faust some scratches

Asra cam back into the room with a jar and a bag.

"There's the lavender and leaches" Asra handed the items over to Julian

Julian payed him and Asra went back into the shop again. Before he made it out the door he turned to Y/n.

"Hope I'll see you again if the countess doesn't have my head" Julian grinned at her and left

Y/n smiled and hoped the same. She didn't think she would until about a month later Asra and Y/n went to a little place called the Rowdy Raven. They walked in and everything felt and looked so alive people were dancing and the music was very upbeat. Y/n spotted Julian amoug the people talking and laughing with them. Asra got his attention and he got up to greet us.

"Ah my favorite magician and his beautiful apprentice" Julian smiled

Asra glared at him

"Don't flirt with my apprentice" Asra told him

"Awe c'mon I can't call her beautiful" Julian smirked at how he got the magician pissed

"You can but I'm watching you no funny business" Asra said going over to a table where he apparently had business to do.

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