Chapter 6: Return to the Cottage

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Becca and Izzy stormed into Gilbert's shop, looking very angry.

"Gilbert! Where did you get that candle?!" Izzy demanded.

"We have to get the book out of here. The witches will be here any second." Becca ran over to the case, and saw that Book was awake. "The...the book is alive!"

Gilbert's eye widened. "He woke up?" He rushed over to the case and gasped. "Hey buddy!"

"You guys know each other?" Izzy asked.

Gilbert unlocked the case and freed Book. "Oh my goodness. It's so incredible. I can't believe this."

Book opened and a beacon of light shot into the sky.

Gilbert laughed in amazement. "It worked!"

Becca quickly closed Book. "Shut it! What do you mean 'it worked?'"

"What were they like? Did they sing? Because, you know, they love to sing."

"Wait, you knew that was a Black Flame Candle?" Izzy asked incredulously.

"Look, I am so sorry I had to trick you, but I mean, I couldn't light the candle myself. It just wouldn't have worked." Gilbert explained.

"Well why not?"

Gilbert made a face and Izzy grimaced in disgust.

"Oh, Ew!"

"Why would you do this? They're evil!" Becca shouted.

"Well, only because they had to be. You know, they were ahead of their time and they were misunderstood. Then, the whole world was against them. But now, look everybody loves them. Look at this stuff."

The door to the cottage burst open, and Izzy and Becca ran and hid as the witches entered their home.

"At last. Back to our squall and verminous abode." Winnie declared. "Home sweet..."

The siblings and (Y/n) looked around the cottage in confusion. It had changed a lot since they had last seen it.

"No. Where are all the cobwebs, and my rat tails?" Sarah gasped.

"Uh-oh. Winnie hold me. It no longer smells like death. Now it smells like..."

"Clean linen."

They all turned and saw Gilbert standing behind them holding Book.

"Yeah, we have a plug in for that."

"A boy." Sarah muttered.

"Hi, I'm Gilbert the Great and I am your biggest fan."

Winnie didn't pay any attaention to what he said. All he could see was that he was holding Book.

"My Book." Book floated out of Gilbert's hands and into Winnie's.

"Uh-oh, Winnie, look, I found the two 40 year old teenagers." Mary announced, holding Becca and Izzy by their shirts.

"Oh, Winnie, can we kill them now?" Sarah asked.

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