Chapter 9: Trapped

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Becca pounded on Cassie's front door. "Cassie! Open up!"

"Crazy witches are trying to kill your dad!" Izzy shouted.


Cassie finally opened the door and stared at them. "What are you doing?"

"Where's you dad?"

"Well after he grounded me for the rest of my life because you ratted me out, he went back to the festival to get his apple."

Becca and Izzy groaned in frustration. Cassie turned and saw Mike running down the street, panicking with the three witches flying behind him.


"I told thee it would work." Sarah bragged.

"Oh please. It was mere luck we stumbled upon the village idiot."

"Don't go to the mayor's house!" (Y/n) yelled at Mike.

Winnie quickly covered her mouth with his hand. "Sweetling I've grown very tired of you trying to stop me. I don't want to have to punish you, but I will if this behavior continues." Winnie warned.


Cassie's eyes widened, and she pointed at the flying witches.

"Are they..."

"We'll explain, but inside now!" Izzy urged.

The three girls scurried inside the house and closed the door.

"Are those the Sanderson Siblings?" Cassie asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. You saw them flying so we don't need to explain that to you."

🎵"Come out, come out, wherever you die."🎵

The girls' eyes widened and they quickly ran further into the house to hide as Winnie knocked the door off its hinges. The siblings entered the house, with Winnie dragging (Y/n) behind him by her wrist.

"Traske must be in here some place. Spread out." He ordered.

Sarah nodded and started to literally spread her body out. Winnie looked at her in disbelief for a moment before he pulled her up by the arms.

"Not like that. Be serious. Serious." He hissed.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that." A voice said.

The siblings all froze. "Who said that?"

Mary pointed to the cylinder shaped speaker that Siri had just spoke from.

"Winnie. There is a small woman trapped in that box." She whispered.



"I still don't understand. Is there something else I can do for you?"

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