Crazy For Me

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Shane had an enjoyable time at the Chang house. The girls were bright and lively and he felt fully relaxed. Now he wanted to meet Lauren.

Pendleton showed him out.

"That went well." Marcy preened.

Mercedes giggled. "You silly."

Marcy wrinkled her nose.


Monday morning dawned bright and early. Marcy made sure to be at school extra early so she could take Shane around before introducing him to Lauren.

Mal was suspicious over her seemingly playing Cupid. But she kissed him and he let it go.

She did as planned and showed Shane all over school. He felt like he could find his way around so she took him to the choir room. Lauren was inside, learning a new song for the week. "Lauren?"

Lauren turned and smiled when she itched to frown. This guy looked totally nice! "Hey."

"Lauren, meet Shane Tinsley. Shane, meet Lauren Zizes. You're both in twelfth grade and totally fun and funny. She's an emo rocker and he's an old hip hop head. Together you should like Linkin Park. You're both tall and strong and cute. You better name your baby after me."

Lauren's blue eyes bulged. "Baby?!"

Shane blushed, not used to Marcy's mouth.

Marcy smiled warmly. "Your baby will be so cute. He'd get his momma's computer skills and his dad's sportiness."

"Computer skills?" Shane asked.

"Sportiness?" Was Lauren's question.

"Yeah." Marcy brightened. "Lauren's in the AV club and Shane's a Titan."

Lauren thought it over. "How good are you?"

Shane's blush traveled. "I'm angling for a scholarship and I think I might get it."

Lauren was impressed. She had to admit having a footballer boyfriend would raise her cool factor, even though she didn't need it. "Cool."

"What do you do in the AV club?"

Lauren brightened herself. "Wheels and I are the dream team to making films for the drama club."


"Our friend, Artie." Marcy slipped in. "Lauren's also in the glee club. She's amazing."

Lauren actually blushed.

Shane smiled. "Sounds amazing."

Marcy sat down at the piano and began playing. She hummed until singing a song about kismet love.

Both Shane and Lauren blushed at that.

"Who sings that?" Lauren didn't want to admit to maybe feeling that way for Shane. She didn't believe in love at first sight!

"Girl, what are you doing? napping? I do."


"You didn't sit up here and watch me open my mouth and sing it?"

"No, I mean who's the original artist?"

Marcy gave her a flat look.

Lauren was smart so she understood exactly why Marcy now found her stupid. "You write music?!"

"Duh." Marcy began playing again.

"Why didn't you write anything last year for Regionals or Nationals?"


Lauren tried (and failed) not to laugh. "Mrs. Chang!"

"I'm not writing new material for a competition that Rachel would be singing."

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