Chapter Four - Maxine's POV

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im staring at my sister whose spaced out during the conversation. her crotch of her green skinny jeans were all wet. she looked down and got embarassed. right then an arrow bursted through her skull. i screamed bloody murder. chris said, "GOD DAMN NOT MARIE," he ran and grabbed her and held her lifless body screaming to the heavens, "MARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" i grab his shoulder and he shakes of my hand. he had just asked her out on a date the day before. the date was scheduled for tomarrow afternoon. they were going to prom. chris was going with marie because it was her first and last school dance. she was graduating highschool. me and her both were. im balling and another arrow whizzes by. i never thought i would lose my sister. i was so scared as well. we al take of chris runs of with marie's body. we ran and we came to the cabin. i kicked the door down and saw the most gruesome sight ever. i puked. all i had ate that day come rocketing up me esophugas and was vomited everywhere. what we saw was not normal.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT THATS JUST," the girl chris was with said puking.

"thats, OH MY GOD," i said.

"by the way im Max. and this is r\Rose my little sister," max said puking again.

"im maxine," i managed to get out before puking again.

what we were looking at was not the best thing and i would remember it till the day i died. bodies strippes off all their flesh exept their genetalia. brains and guts littered the floor. dead girls with purple things in their left bossum laid all over the cabins bedroom floor.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," rose screamed. we turned and saw the nature defying thing ever.

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