we all bolted in two seperate directions i took off with marie's body to give her parents notice but she was moving so i took to the hospital. they said she was very lucky to survive when i told them what happened. they bandaged her up. i kissed her cuz, i think, that was all she wanted. a kiss from me who know she loved me cuz i diddn't know that she loved me till today when she zoned out after looking at me, and her crotch, who knew, not me.
"Marie i love you too, but i got to go save the girls ohtay ill be back," i yelled forgeting that we were in a hospital. i quickly ran back to the wood and heard Max's sister scream, hearing thar i bolted into the woods. i fell and felt somethingin my pocket. i reach in and pull out my greatgrandfather's old army knife. i flipped it open and got up and bolted faster ready for anything. i bolted to this clearing where the scream came from and there was my uncle's old buddies shack. the door was closed and there was a ruckus coming from with in so i kick the door down to see my dead uncle trying to kill the girls. i ran up and tackled my dead uncle and his head fell off and revealed my uncle's buddies son, my old friend who went nuts and killed my uncle, so i stabbed him once in his thigh and ripped it out, he screamed in pain as his leg was bleeding. he knocked me off him and the girls ran out the door heading back to town leaving me to fight so i hit him across his jaw with a soul sickening crack.
Genç KurguChris decides to take a walk and runs in to a girl, that is like himself, and they never knew what was lurking in the woods.