Biokinisis practice

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This is the practice of forcing your cells to change and work for your intended purpose it aids in wing growing and in other forms of mythicality ( I know not a word get over it) so it's a vital role in the process it's easy sometimes and it is hard to get started witch is why you need to meditate before hand to get your body fully relaxed and into the mond set of biokinisis as you need to visualize a black or blank room with a source of light and then visualize the light forming a point or a needle and imagine that needle stabbing into the point where the wings will grow and then visualize the cells splitting over and over and over again then visualize the cells forming the wings in fast forward mode imagine the wings growing super fast this is going to form the phantom wings that your body will use as a base to grow the wings into as the body needs a sort or set of blue prints for the wings as the cells need instructions as to how to grow and the biokinisis is going to help you develop those blue prints for the wings so that's why I am going to start practicing although it can be dangerous if used improperly you need to know why and what you are doing to get it right

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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