The Stare

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Lisa pov

I was at a cafeteria near central Park with Nancy, she asked me to meet her so we can study together and since I'm alone I didn't find a problem with it.

"OK so now we have to do math"

"can you help me with that Lis? I never really understood math that easily, please?" I broke a smile

You know it's cute when people ask me to help them but they don't know how to ask

"sure! Don't worry I'll explain it to you" she smiled at me and thanked me


"finally we're done!" I leaned back in my chair

"did you understand it this time?"

" yes, thank you for the help Lisa, I don't know how to thank you"

"whenever you want Nancy and you don't have to thank me, it's nothing"

"well how about we go to eat an ice cream? The park is near we can go there"

Mmh well, it's not like I have anything to do


After we paid our orders we left the cafeteria and we headed to the park

But then I felt it again

The stare

I looked behind me but I didn't see anything


I'm probably just imagining things

I should probably sleep more at night

"you okay Lisa?"

"oh yeah, everything is okay"

"you sure?"

"yeah don't worry" but I'm still feeling someone looking at me, I turned around a second time, but then again nothing

Maybe I'm just being paranoid

Yeah that's probably it, right?

"are you sure you're okay Lisa?, we can go back if you're sick" we were waiting in line to get the ice cream

"I think that I'll go to the bathroom, can you wait for me a little bit?"

She nodded and then I ran off to the bathroom

I was sitting in the toilet when my phone ringed

It's an unknown number

Should I answer it?

I accept the call and put the phone near my ear

" hello? "

" hey Lisa it's me Jennie, Rosé gave me your number" OK at least it's not a killer

But why is Jennie calling me?

"oh hi Jennie, do you need something?"

"actually yes, I wanted to ask you if you're free at the moment"

"um no I'm busy for now, why?"

"well, I found you quite interesting and I was just wondering if you wanted to go out, like going to the cinema or something?" shoot

Should I say no? ... But what if I don't please her with my answer

This woman could kick me out of the school she's the goddamn owner!

I mean, what could go wrong
Maybe she's a nice person

" ah well tomorrow I'm free, maybe we can go out tomorrow if you'd like" I mumbled

Now I'm shy


"fantastic! I'll see you tomorrow at liek 3:30? Is that okay?"

"yes it's okay"

"great! See you tomorrow Lisa"

What have I gotten myself into?

Let's just hope she doesn't suspect anything about that or it might be a problem

And my scholarship will be gone

Fantastic Lisa you just had to be suspicious!

Or maybe she doesn't know anything and she's just being friendly

Well I will see tomorrow

I should probably go back to Nancy


"hey, I thought you died in the bathroom for a moment"

"well as you see I'm perfectly fine" I said smugly

"ohh the monkey is getting cocky here"

"shut up!" I said playfully

"okay okay, here's your ice cream"

"thank you damn teaser"

"it's nothing cocky monkey" I just glared at her and she had the audacity to start laughing!


"yeah yeah, oh look at the time, I think we should start to head back to the dorm"

Nancy and Lisa started to head back eating their ice cream with Nancy still teasing Lisa

And then you can see a jealous brunette glaring at Nancy in the back of the street

"just you wait little mouse"

And with that she left, with a sinister smile on her face and an immense bloodlust

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