A Heart's Longing.

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Big blue eyes had looked up at the green one's full of hope and adoration.

"Why would you bring me here Hazza!? Ma might get up in search of me."

He heard chasing Niall's love through his eyes.He had just leaned in unable to contain himself nuzzling his face in the blonde's neck as he shuddered.

"It's four in the morning,Arry." Niall mumbled pushing at the taller Boy's chest as a soft blush crept up his cheeks.

"I've something to tell you,Doll." Harry said gazing down at Niall with an unreadable expression as the younger frowned.

"What's wrong?" He asked sucking his bottom lip in,biting harshly on it as Harry cupped his cheeks gazing intently at his face.

"I'm leaving." Harry whispered caressing Niall's angry red bottom lip as his blue eyes filled with tears.

"W-What." Niall asked unsure of what he had heard.

"I'm leaving,I'm leaving this place, I'm leaving you." He said trying to keep up a strong exterior as Niall stepped away from his hold shaking his head in disbelief.

"But you l-love me." He stuttered out as angry tears spilled from his eyes suddenly being pulled closer to the older's broad chest.

"I do." Harry said leaning his forehead against Niall's.

"Tell me what did I do? What did I do wrong? I swear I'll make it right. Everything." Niall said trying to keep his tears at bay as he caressed Harry's chin.

"Nothing.It's all me.I can't be here, live in that house. I'm going. Pursuing my studies far, far away from this place." Harry asserted as Niall tried to catch his eyes.

"Away from me?" Niall choked out clutching at the rich fabric of Harry's shirt.

"Yes." Harry had said as the blonde's knees gave out.

He had gotten on his knees too pulling the blonde into his lap as they stared at the lake water lapping against the shore.

Niall turned to look at Harry's face with bloodshot red eyes, portraying nothing but betrayal and grief.

"When do you leave?" Niall asked softly trying to keep himself from breaking down.

"Half past five." He said kissing his forehead.

"Leave then,Why'd you even bother telling me? I wasn't promised this. I was promised a marriage,a Sweet little family n-not this." Niall said trying to sound calm as his voice betrayed him yet again.

"I haven't broken the promise Niall." He said as the blonde chuckled humourlessly.

"Infact I'm here to make another promise." Harry said sliding his hands down the blondes back.

"What would that be?" Niall said gaze stuck at the rising sun.

"I'll comeback someday I dont know when. But someday." He said laying Niall down as he hovered over him.

"And Claim whatever here is left of mine." He said as the innocent blonde frowned,His skin flushing a bright red as the older kissed down his neck and jaw stopping right above his throat and sucking on the skin.

"Claim You." He growled out wanting nothing but to devour the blonde.

He had pulled away trying to calm his raging young blood down as he caught onto Niall still laying there eyelashes fluttering shut as he felt the older man kissing his palm and fingertips softly.

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