Chapter 9

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Sqaishy's POV :

" Um..." I start "I guess...We need to...Ya know, be prepared! That came out wrong..." I try to fix my words when a warm hand embraces my shoulder.

"Relax! I'm not taking your virginity!" He teases then realises he went too far on that one "Let....lets just go..."

We walk to the room I sleep in and I plonk onto the bed. I am lifted up then brought down for a few seconds by Joseph.

"You warm or cold" he asks glancing at me before looking at the pillow he was getting.

"Cold. Freezing to be honest" I tell him truthfully as the pillow is placed under his head.

"Oh...Good" he tells me as he dives under the covers and opens the sheet for me to join.

I do and I wrap myself in a little ball. Joseph huggs me and we drift off to sleep land.



"Beeeeeth..." he whispers "oooooh Beeeeth"

"Huh?" I groan "5 more minutes!" I roll over and I try to grab a pillow. A soft surface is grazed by my fingers so I grab it.

It's a moving pillow though, because it inhails then exhails.

"Magic....Pillow" I mutter cuddling more.

"My torso is a pillow?" Inquires Joseph. Oh god.

"I-I-I'm so sorry" I pull back and he smiles.

"Don't be."


"YEAH!" Yells Samantha "Get outta here!" The rest of the group sneers at me while I walk through the gate.

"Are you okay?" Asks a kid, he looks twice my age. "What's wrong?"

"They...They said that I am wierd!" I point to the light blonde streak in my hair.

"I like it" he tells me and smiles "I'll walk you home"

"You sure?" I comfirm, I may be 6 but I'm not stupid.

"Hey! Only 12...What would I do?" He tells me and I nod. And with that he takes my hand and it was the start to a friendship great.


"Hey Jo..." I ask him.

"Hm...?" He responds with a slight smile.

"Do you have memory of a girl... Maybe 6... And you helped her from being bullied?" I ask with a bead of sweat dripping down my neck in nervousness.

"Yeah... Actually. She had a pale blonde streak...Like the one you have"

"Um, Joseph...She was me" I tell him "I left when I turned 10...Remember?"

"Yeah...I figured... I kinda knew it was you... Basically the whole time" He bites his lip.

"Wait...So you knew it was me, thats how you got my number and email and knew my Twitter name...How-w-what...WHY?!" I panic, WHAT IS GOING ON?

"Listen Beth, I thought it was perfect to tell you now that I have been trying to find you and get in contact with you"He tells me with truth in his eyes

"Really...For me? Thank you... That means allot" I tell him then hug him.

"I don't know about you but I am hungry...Let's go!"



HEY GUYS! I know I have not been posting allot lately but I do need to LIVE LIFE! But...As I was saying, I have not been posting as so much is happening! But I will hopefully have more time soon,


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