Chapter 12

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Sqaishy's POV :
"I love you...." he says it again...

"I need a walk" I say as I back away slowly "A long,long" I bump into a dresser "long walk"

This is not good...UM?! What do I do? Where do I go? Mom?Dad? No! That's where I DON'T want to go!

"Beth?" Quires Joseph as I pacen out the room. In a flash I grab my phone, jump into my shoes and dart out the door, down the emergency steps.

This is an emergency! Okay?!

"BETH!" I hear a groan type call from Jo and a pair of feet behind me.

I need to tell him. But I can't. The fear!!!

A hand grips my arm.


"I-I-I'm sorry..."I stutter "I was just...Just so...sudden a-and I.."

Jo pulls me into a hug.

"I love you too..." I whisper and I feel his arms tense a bit.


"I beg your pardon?" He asks.

"You know what I said..."I poke him in the ribs.

"Should I run away like you did" He does a dramatic pose and I laugh.

"I was just...Shocked and scared that I had to say it." I explain.

I can't rell him about my dad. Oooooh no. Mom is fine with this but dad is all: who is dating MY baby girl?!

Oh god.

"Oooooh" says Jo. We start walking up the stairs hand in hand.

"And what was with the 'she's mine I tell you!' Thing?" I ask before I spill anything at the wrong time.

"Well...I really like you...And nothing and no one will change that" he smiles.

"Alpha..." I mutter.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing!" I smile as we reach the level.

After babysitting David and putting him to bed, Jo and I were exausted.

"I am so excited for LA!" I cheer, dancing around like a lunatic.

"Haha!" Laughs Jo with a big grin as he walks into the living room with egg mayo sandwiches.

"Yum!" I smile and turn on the tv.

We watch the Big Bang Theory until it finishes.

"I'm done. Tierd. Finished." I say with a yawn and I walk off to the room...

I lie down and I think about Joseph. LA. My dad accepting Jo....
I walk down a long isle and people look at me with love in their eyes. My father's arm is linked in mine.

"You can run away if it is too scary" my father whispers.

In which I respond a firm no.

I look at where I am walking to and there is Joseph. In a tux with his curly hair slightly fixed.

I am at my WEDDING!!!

I look at the mirror behind Jo and I see how beautiful I look. But I look back at Joseph and then at my bouquet.

Roses and tulips with little flowers are under my strong,nervous grip.

"Please say your vows" the preist nods at Joseph who begins the sweetest speech. Ever.

"My darling Beth," he begins "I am so thankful to have met you and to be with you. You are sweeter than a bag worth of suger. Your eyes more magnificent then the wonders of the world. Your finger holds more kindness then any other in their entire body. And overall an angel at heart. I love you Beth."

My heart flutters above the heavens and then falls back into place.

"And you,"asks the priest.

"My Joseph, your laugh can cheer up anyone's day. Your smile can bring back life to the sun. Your personality holds colour. I love you to the moon and back and no one can change that. You are my Joseph, forever you will be."

I smile cry as we move to the side and my mother signs as well as David in a book. So that there is evidence we were married.

"Alright." Says the priest "Do you, Joseph Garret, Take Bethany Bates to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" he responds with a big smile.

"And you, do you, Bethany take Joseph as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" I reply, tears welling in my eyes

"You may now kiss the bride" says the preist as we are about to kiss and...
*****(wakes up)*****

"Um..." stutters a Stampy in front of me.

I peel my eyes open and I am kissing Stampy.

Oh god.

"I am so sorry" I move back in the bed.

"Actually...I wanna do that again..."

"Wha-" I ask then he kisses me hard. Like there was no tomorrow.
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