Chapter 13

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Hello my lovelies!
So nice to know that this book has about 900 reads! OMG! You guys are AMAZING! Can we try 1000?! Maybe?

Sqaishy's POV :

"J-joseph?" I question as I gasp for air.

"Beth?" He asks back.

He just kissed me in a wierd way that I can't explain. A way where my love and affection run high...

"I-I-I'm um...Hungry. That's all..." which is partially true, but...Then again.

"Are you okay B?" He asks then his face saddens "did come on too strong?"


"Too strong? What? No!" His face forms into one of the rare smirks I've seen which is used to get the truth out of me.

"Okay...Maybe a tad. Probably cos I just woke up..." I tell him truthfully.

"I was messing with you...But now I know" he smiles cheekily and jumps off the bed and heads out the door.

I face palm myself. I can be dumb sometimes...

"Oh come ON!" I groan as I walk into the kitchen. He is halfway through making a sandwich.

"Too bad..." he smiles. I grab the bread and pull out two pieces of bread. In which I put in the toaster.

"Arg!" I groan while he hands me the knife.

David then walks in as if he is having the bedt day ever.

"Well someone looks happy...What's up?" I ask as the toast pops out.

"I feel GREAT!" He explains.

"Probably due to the fact that Beth and I had to Davidsit you." Jokes Joseph.

I chuckle as I spread butter out on the toast. Watching David's face frown slightly.

"Oh Jo!" I jump at a funny memory "remember what you said to David?"

Jo then finally catches on.

"Oh yeah!" He smiles "Go home David,you're DRUNK!" We burst into a fit of laughter while David turns his frown to a smug look.

What's he on about?

"Says the couple that made out this morning" He looks
too proud... Way too proud.

I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.


"That is not yours to judge" I tell him in my most proper voice "Jealous?"

He squirms in his stance.

"No..." and off he goes. I hear the front door close.

"Serves him right." I nod. And Joseph just shrugs.

We take our plates to the table to eat or breakfast as we wait for David.

He comes through the door just as we were finishing off.

"Why hello." I smile eagerly.

David glances at Joseph who is drowning down his juice.

"Well..."Starts David "I am just gonna go to my room...And...Record and stuff...Yeah..." he mutters.

There is something up that he won't tell.

"Right" I state "What you hiding"

Stampy places his hand on mine and gives me a look to shut up. But curiosity swells in my soul. I can wait...Can't I?

"It's alright Dave" smiles Jo as David raises his eyebrows but shrugs it off.

"What's up with him?" I ask Jo who is nervously looking at the door.

"Not sure." Explains Jo "But we need to get ready, we are off this afternoon..."

I nod as I watch Joseph walk to the kitchen.

I squint my eyes at the door as if an answer would pop through the door at any minute.

Why is David so...Um...Nor David? I will find out why. I will see to it that I do.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

So...What is up with David? Is he jealous or mad or a little sad? Or neither?

Find out!




And follow.


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