7. Nishimura Riki

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Haerin took her phone out and found a picture of enhypen.  And there he was.  I still couldn't think of his name. 

"Oh it's the guy with the pink jacket!!" I yelled out happily

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"Oh it's the guy with the pink jacket!!" I yelled out happily. We found him!! I need to start getting better at remembering. I don't know what I would do with out my lovely members! Everyone got closer to Haerin to look at her phone.

"That's Niki" Hanni said as she pointed to him.

"Why did you even want us to find out who he is? Did you meet him once or something?" Hyein asked. Ahh that's right... I never told them.

"I met him in the hall once.... We just talked shortly and then he left"  They didn't need to know much about our conversation. And it's not like we even talked for that long.

After that we all went back t doing our stuff. I went into my room and laid down on my bed. I took my phone out and googled Niki.

 'Born: 9. December 2005' Oh he's from the same year as me.  And he's from Okayama like me. We have a lot in common I guess.  I clicked on one of the websites about him to learn a bit more about him.

I started reading through his profile.  I saw his real name. Nishimura Riki.... I had heard that name before. Not just once or twice. I have heard and said it many times.  I had known him for while.

It took me by surprise. He was the grandson of the grandma next door. I spent years and years with him. Yet I couldn't even recognize him. I needed to get some air. I went into the living room to find my members.

"I'll go for a little walk!" I yelled as I took on my shoes and left the dorm. It was nice to feel the cold breeze. I don't have time to go out much. Luckily the only thing on our schedule today was that live.

I was walking down the road.  I walked past the alley where unpleasant things happened. shivers came down body. Ever since the incident I haven't worn skirts. I couldn't get myself to wear them.

As i walked past the alley i saw the same guy who saved me. I assumed it was him. He still had a hat and mask on. I once again couldn't  see his face.

"Oh... you again. Well good to see you again" He said. The deep voice... I recognized it. It's Niki or should I call him Riki like I am used to?

"Good to see you again as well" I said. Should I tell him? Does he not want me to know? I can clearly see who I am. If he wanted me to know then he probably would have told me.  Well i didn't really care since I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"You can take your mask and hat off. I know who you are" I said. He was a bit taken a back. I might be bad at remembering a lot of stuff but i'm good with voices. 

He pulled me into the alleyway. The guy took off his hat and mask and ran his fingers through his hair. I was right. It was Niki.

"I'm also hiding from the media. I like to get fresh air from time to time, but i keep getting followed where ever I go. This is the only place i like that they haven't found"  So far i hadn't experienced his problem.

Well actually I kind of have. The media that followed my brother also caught me on cam that time. I had also had one of his fans follow me around for a day, now when i think about it.

"It's a rather closed area to get fresh air in" I told him in japanese.

"I know bu- wait you speak japanese?" Didn't he know? Did he think i was korean? My korean is too bad for him to think that.

"Yeah i do. I'm from Okayama " I told him. I could see he got surprised.

"I am as well!  Which area?" I guess he doesn't remember me. I can't really be mad about it. I forgot his name after a second. He should be the one to get mad.

We heard some people approaching the alleyway.

"I think i saw the new Newjeans member go into that alley. What would she be doing in an alleyway... Maybe a new scandal could blossom" one of the girls approaching said.

Niki was quick to react. Hi quickly put his hat on to cover his face. He pulled me closer and tilted his head a bit to the side to cover the side of my face that would have been visible to the girls.

 Our faces were inches apart. We were both leaving out heavy breaths. The two girls had arrived at the alleyway. From their point of view it looked like Niki and I were kissing.

"OH... We don't wanna disturb those guys... I swear I saw Nari go into that alleyway" one of the girls said to the other 2 as they quickly left.

Niki stopped tilting his head. He was still close. He hadn't moved further away. After a second or two we both realized what we were doing. We both quickly broke apart.

"Sorry about that.... I had to think fast" He apologized and took his hat off again. Both of us had flushed cheeks. 

"Riki it's okay. You had to think fast or else we could have been in trouble

"Riki? You know my real name? I thought you didn't really know who i was. Except Niki from enhypen..." Oh yeah that's right. I still hadn't told him that i have know him for years.

"Do you remember that boy and girl, your grandma knew?" I kind of hoped that he would remember. 

"Yeah of course i do. Kyosuke and Na-.... You're Nari aren't you!?" He guess right.

"Bingo" He started looking me up and down and then studied my face.

"Wow. You changed a lot. You were so short before. You still are... I remember we used to share my chocolate since your mom didn't want you to eat it" We both started smiling as we were reminded of our memories together. 

I looked at the time. It was getting pretty late. I don't want to be out way too late like i was last time. 

"i Have to go now. It's getting late" I told him as i was about to leave. I had turned around and started to walk. Suddenly I was stopped by Niki. He had grabbed my wrist.

"Do you want me to walk with you to the dorm?"  Well that was nice of him.

"Wouldn't that create a scandal if we get caught?" I didn't really want to risk getting a dating rumor once again already.

"It would... But we won't get caught. Take the hat. I'll take the mask. The both of us are a bit covered" I agreed with him and took on the hat.

He walked me home. We spent our time talking about the memories we had together.  It was nice. It felt like i had a bit off my home with me.


Hi guys

This chapter is a bit shorter because i wrote this at the time where the news about Moonbin broke out ( I do pre write the chapters ).  I have been extremely upset about the whole thing.  

I couldn't get myself to write more. I hope it is okay. 


Rest in peace🕊️

You will always be remembered and be my nr 1 in Astro 


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