12. Mom's Rage

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The days went by and the Tsuya ( the wake ) was near. As in we were at the ceremony.

I had a long black dress with a jacket over. My mom had nearly the same. The only difference was that hers was a shirt and a skirt. My brother wore a black suit.

The guest started arriving. I know i shouldn't be smiling but i couldn't help it when I saw grandma. My real grandma died before I was even born.

She came over to me and gave me a black and silver envelope containing 5000 yen ( about 37 dollars / 33 euros ) 

I gave her a bow.  She patted my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile.  I think she was the person I missed the most.

I may not have showed how much i appreciate her, but i promise you I do appreciate her a lot.  She was always there for me, when my parents weren't.

They would be busy with work. Grandma would always make breakfast for us. She even taught me how to ride a bike.  Not that used my bike that often but still it was nice of her.

The rest of the guests gave us the condolence money as well.  We were talking to the guests a bit before the ceremony began. 

Grandma came over to me once again. 

"I heard you met Riki" How did she know? Did Niki tell her?

"How do you know that?"

"He had called his mom. He told her that he met you in Korea. She couldn't help but to let me know as well"

"Oh" Grandmas phone rang

"Sorry. I forgot to put it on silent mode" She gave a small bow to all of the other guests who were looking at her.

She took out her phone to turn it on silent mode. You could still see the caller. I couldn't help but look. It was Niki. Did he call her often?

"I rarely get to talk to him... He's a busy boy." well there I got the answer.

"You can just call him back after the Tsuya"  I patted her back

"What if he is busy? Didn't they just release something new?"

"yeah they did. I didn't expect you to keep up with that stuff"

"How could i not. It's my grandson. I do also keep up with you" a smile creeped up on my face.

My mom approached us. She cleared her throat to gain our attention.

"Nari dear may i speak with you for a short bit?" that was never a good sign.  She pulled me out of the room with all of the guest and out into the hall.

She looked furious as soon as we stepped out. She slapped me....

She had never done that before. What was she so mad about that she would slap me!? I was shocked. I held my burning cheek.

"Why are you smiling like that!? You dad just died for god damn sake! People will get the wrong impression of our family!" She yelled 

So she was just scared to lose face!? What the hell! 

"What is wrong with you!? You just slapped me!"

"Be quiet! Just go back in there. Don't smile and act like nothing happened out here!"

She should be the one who was quiet! I didn't want to get her more mad so i did as i was told.

I went back to the ceremony.  My bother went straight over to me.

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