17. The Brother

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When my manager picked me up i got yelled at.  I'm not mad that she yelled at me since I knew what I did wasn't the best thing. For all they could know i could have been kidnapped. 

While the quiet and heavy aura had filed the car i decided to text Niki.  After all he had been trying to reach me. 

Hi. I saw you tried to call me.

Oh thank god you answered. I though you had been kidnapped. You can't just disappear like that!!

How do you know I was gone?

The company still thinks we are dating.  They got me to try and contact you to see if you would answer me

What were you even doing?

I was out with a friend and decided to crash at their place

Oh. Well i'm just glad nothing happened to you.

See you around

See ya

A little lie couldn't hurt. I didn't really decide to crash at his place. I just happened. I never had the intention to... Go where we went.

I can't make up my mind whether i wanted to remember the spicy time since it was my first or if I wanted to not remember It since it really wasn't one of my proudest moments.

  At least no one else in his family was home. 

When i came home i was met with angry and now calmed members. They were mad that I just left them but they finally felt at ease to see that nothing happened to me.

"Where the hell were you!?" Minji asked with hint of worry in her voice.

"I crashed at a friend's place. I fell asleep before I got to text you" All of them seemed to buy my explanation. I would never be able to admit what actually happened. I guess Danielle hadn't told them.

Not gonna lie I am still felt with guilt. Everyone seemed to have been worried. 

Fort the remaining weekend i didn't talk much with my members. I still practiced with them and held a live. But other than that I was left mostly alone. 

It was Monday morning. I could see we were nearing the school building. I prayed that Kyungho wasn't at school today. It was going to be the most awkward encounter ever if he Is at school today.

unfortunately for me he was sitting in his usual seat. I was screwed. I was not able to focus for the whole day. I couldn't think of anything else but that night.  It sent shivers down my spine.

At lunch time I had no one to talk to. I was to scared to approach Kyungho. I didn't know if Danielle wanted to talk to me.

I could hear Kyungho and his friends talking in the back.

"I really didn't think she would be that easy. You said it would be hard to get down to business with a Japanese girl. It couldn't have been easier" Kyungho said as he laughed  with his friends.

He wasn't talking about me was he? Maybe he had been with other japanese girls before. 

"You seemed to have a good time yesterday"  Yesterday... I was the one he was with yesterday.

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