Well, He's Charming (Flying Scotsman X Violet)

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(Image on top, Credits to Asktrio516 from Tumblr for the Humanized design, she is the best)

It was the middle of Spring and Violet was puffing around her branch line while pulling some coaches, throughout the days she mostly thinks to herself that today will be like any other day, delivering trucks, shunting cars, pulling coaches, Etc.

But this time something was telling her that something will happen, she just doesn't know what yet, but she decided not to think about it too much so she brushed it off. She got to Vicarstown and puffed to a stop at the station with her usual smile on her face.

As she is waiting for her passengers, she hears a whistle and she looked at the direction the sound came from, she notices a big green engine with two tenders reversing into the station.

Violet: Who is this? I've never seen this engine before, especially one with two tenders.

The engine backs up into some coaches, that are right beside her. It was Flying Scotsman.

Violet: Hello, There. Are you from the Other Railway? I'm actually from a different Island myself, that got transferred here a few years ago. And I actually love working here with all the other famous engines.

Flying Scotsman: Is that so? I didn't think there were any famous on Sodor.

[He sees Gordon next to him]

Flying Scotsman: Oh. Hello, Gordon.

Violet: Gordon, Do you know him?

Gordon: Yes, We know each other. This is my brother, Violet. They call him, the Flying Scotsman.

Flying Scotsman: Indeed they do. It almost makes me sound famous, doesn't it?

(He Winks at Violet)

Violet: (Giggles as a tiny tint of pink paints her face)

Flying Scotsman: Oh, Gordon, I wanted to tell you my news! I've been invited to take part in the Great Railway Show on the Mainland, I shall be racing!

Gordon: (shocked) Ugh!

Violet: The Great Railway Show? I've never heard of it, what is that?

Flying Scotsman: Oh, the Great Railway Show is where engines compete to see who is the fastest or the strongest or, what have you. But I'm not sure any engines from Sodor will be going.

Gordon: I wouldn't want to go anyway, not if it's full of engines like you always boasting about how exciting things are in the Mainland!

Violet: Well, I definitely want to go compete, it sounds like so much fun!

Flying Scotsman: Of course, you do, Violet. (Whispering to her) And with any luck, Maybe you will and I'll be rooting for you then. (He winks at her again, with a smirk this time) Flying Scotsman, Coming Through! (whistles)

Gordon: Oh!

[Flying Scotsman puffs out of the station to the mainland, leaving Violet a flustered mess]

Violet: (chuckles flustering) Gordon, Why haven't I met your Brother before? He sounds so kind, and charming too. (Laughs as she is a blushing mess)

Gordon: O, The Indignity!

Looks like her boiler was right, today something DID and IS going to happen.

Violet: I think I'm going to enter the Great Railway Show.

(Violet then shows a face of Determination)

[Timeskip to the Great Race, Violet is participating]

Violet who named herself "Solar Eclipse" for the Great Race, is participating along with Gordon, who calls himself "Shooting Star" since he Streamlined himself 'a bit'. Violet upgraded herself too, but she ensured that she had a safety valve since they will be going fast and if she didn't have one, Her boiler would burst.

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