Cheater Meru The Succubus x Joseph Cross Male Reader

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The Good, The Bad, And The Demon


(Y/N)'s POV

I met my girlfriend Meru when she moved to our class. She was a really strange character. I have no idea what she saw in me, but i'm really glad that she spoke to me first. She was rad and had horns and a tail for some reason. I always thought she loves to cosplay. Every time she saw me, she would grab me and hide us somewhere so she could fuck me. She was constantly horny. I was always too shy to say anything. Right now i was on my way to Meru's house. I was planning to take her out on a date. I took out the key she gave me some time ago and unlocked the door. When i entered i took off my hat. I saw Meru on the couch in the living room. But she wasn't alone. She was fucking some other guy. I felt my heart being thorn to pieces. I dropped my fedora from the shock. I quietly walked out without them noticing.

Meru's POV

I feel bad for cheating on (Y/N) like that. But i don't have a say in the matter. My maste's orders are for me to regain my powers. I have to get as much male essence as possible, but (Y/N) is special to me. For some reason i really liked him. Even after i drained him, i just couldn't let go of him. He is the only person who likes me for who i am and not for my body. The guy under me finally finished.

Some guy: Ah... That felt nice.

I rolled my eyes.

Meru: Uh-huh, you should go now. I want to spend time with my amazing boyfriend.

He nodded and put on his pants. When he walked out the door, i noticed a hat on the ground.

Meru: What the-?

I picked it up. I realised it was (Y/N)'s fedora. 

Meru: Oh no... He... He saw me...

I fell to my knees and put my hand on my mouth.

Meru: I-It shouldn't have happened like that. 

I started crying.

Meru: He- *Sob* He should be here with me. I-I have to make things right between us, before i lose him forever.

I held his hat close to my chest.

Meru: he probably wants to be alone right now... I'll talk to him back at school.

(Y/N)'s POV

I went to a nearby forest to cry my eyes out. I sat down next to a tree and started crying.

(Y/N): *Sob* I- *Sob* I... What am i supposed to do now? I have nothing left!

I looked up. The sun was peering through the leaves. I patted my head. 

(Y/N): Damn. Forgot my hat.

I wiped my tears away and looked at my hands. I ran my finger across my veins.

(Y/N): Maybe i can just end it... A razor to the veins...

My thoughts were interupted. I looked next to me and saw an old coin. I didn't think much of it, but something was telling me that i should pick it up. It was two-headed for some reason. I put it in my pocket and stood up. I adjusted my tie and started walking back to my house while flipping the coin i found.


I went to my room and threw myself on my bed. I hated to go back into an empty house, but since my parents passed away, i didn't have much of a choice.

(Y/N): What a day, huh?

My eyes started to close.

(Y/N): What a long fucking day...

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