Party pt 2

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Me and maya have been hanging out for awhile now getting to know eachotger and she's a super sweet girl.

"So how's your love life" I ask her taking a sip of my coke "abit boring but hopefully I'll find a guy at some point" she smiles "what about you" she asks me "I thought I had a thing with this guy but I'm unsure now but to be honest Pablo torre seems nice and he's cute so maybe you never know something could go somewhere" I tell her "sounds way more exciting than my love life" she laughs "it's probably not" I reply "anyways I'm going to go find my friends I came with as I would be suprised if they where dead on a field by now but I have your Snapchat so we should hang out some time" I giggle and she laughs

I stand up looking around for Jana and alba everywhere "lily you're here" I hear a voice and I know exactly who it is "hi Pablo" I say "are you okay I haven't seen you at all" he says "yeah I would of guessed that you seemed pretty preoccupied" I tell him "huh what do you mean" he asks confused "I don't know I came in and you were sat there with some girl does that ring a bell" I ask "oh Anita" he realises "yes Anita" I say with a straight face

"are you made at me" he asks "yes , no I don't know Pablo you're just confusing me and it's making me confuse myself" I complain "sorry I didn't know you would be upset" he says "I'm not upset I just don't want you to replace me" I whisper as I'm kind of embarrassed to admit it "you're inreplaceable lily trust me there's no one like you" he says bring me in for a hug "and anyway Anita's not my type I'm more into blondes" he says playing with my long blonde hair

"I literally can't find them anyway" I complain to myself sitting on a bench outside after failing to find Jana and alba once again "someone looks grumpy" torre says coming and sitting next to me "I've lost my friends I literally can't find them" I complain once again "they will turn up somewhere" he says

"The stars are pretty aren't they" he says looking up "yeah they are" I smile moving abit closer to him and he wraps his arm around me "pretty just like you" he says and I blush and cringe at the same time "Thankyou" I smile looking at him "de nada"he smirks placing a hand on my jawline "would you mind if I yk" he asks and I lean forward going to kiss him and he does the same

Our lips collide and I feel like there's fireworks everywhere exploding all around us. I pull away and I can't stop smiling. " I met you yesterday and already kissed you feel lucky" I giggle "I feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now" he smiles back at me. That's when my phone buzzes.

The 3 best footballers in the world

We left
it was full of snobby
footballers and pick me girls

But I can agree I ship Gily

What's gily

You and gavi

Oh why tho

He literally has photos of you guys
Your shirt framed in his office

you have a section in his wardrobe
And he literally couldn't take his
eyes off you

Even if he was with that skank

That's rude
But we need to go for lunch tomorrow
I think I've messed up
Well idk maybe
But I think it's naughty

In her rebellious era

She's probably smashed a glass

Not as bad as that don't worry
Anyways got to go
I'm so tired and wanna go to bed

Then why do you have to go when
your beds over where we are not at a party

Sleepover time 😜😜

Make sure to use protection


Wow didn't take your advice

I'm the mama and I think it's
gonna be a boy

You spend to much time on TikTok

Goodnight mums <3

Goodnight from us

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