🧡But I don't like the thunder!🧡

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Chapter cover by saucymcspicy on Twitter

I actually got this idea from them, so check them out!

Little: Mikey🧡[2-3]

CGs:Raph,Donnie,and Leo


Mikey shot up. Tears were already forming in his eyes, and a familiar fuzziness took over his thoughts. Maybe if I hold my stuffie extra close, the scary noise won't happen again!
The small orange turtle hoped. As he was squeezing his stuffie close to his chest, his breathing began to heighten , and he was shaking pretty bad.
This time, he threw the blanket over his head and wailed. This alarmed the other turtles in the lair.
Donnie and Leo were up talking when they heard a scream from their baby brother's room. This caused them to get up in worry. They think they already knew what happened and were going to wake up raph to find the red coded turtle already getting Mikey's regression stuff ready. They all approached Mikey's door. *knock knock* The three were met with sniffles and whimpering. "Hey bud- can we come in?" Raph asked, having his head pressed to the door , awaiting a response. He was met with silence as the twins showed him sad/worried expressions. "I--" The little orange turtle began before he was cut off by another crash of thunder. The door was swung open, and Mikey flew into his older brothers' arms. The poor thing was shaking and sobbing into his eldest brother's plastron. Raph was surprised at first before he wrapped his arms around his baby brother, whispering comforting words such as "You're ok bubbas" and "Raphie's got ya." And sweet shushing sound. Soon, the sobs became sniffles, and when Mikey lifted his head, he found himself being cradled by Raph, and 2 sets of comforting eyes staring at him. "Heyyy hermonito~" Leo grabbed at Mikey's hands. "Thunder sure is mean -" Mikey nodded aggressively, which caused the others to laugh a little. Leo gave his little brother a peck on the cheek and excused himself to go get mikey some snacks and a sippy/bottle. The other two coo'd at how cute mikey was! But the moment was short-lived when another crash of thunder boomed through the lair. Immediately, Mikey hid his face and covered his ears , tears threatening to fall at any moment. They all didn't want another cry sesh - the poor boy already looked so tired and dehydrated. Surprisingly,[but not so surprising,because donnie literally is a different person when someone is small- especially Mikey] Donnie cupped Mikeys face. "Here, Michael, I'll give you a few options. Do you want to listen to music , just wear noise canceling headphones, or watch cartoons?" Donnie asked in a soft tone , just above a whisper. Mikey looked up at Donnie, who was smiling down at him sweetly. "mus'c,,?" Mikey tilted his head with big puppy eyes and the tip of his thumb in his mouth. Donnie's face flushed red. How is Angelo so cute?!?!?!?
Raph looked at the softshell with a sweet smile before it turned smug."Well, he's waiting, dontron~."Raph playfully nudged at his younger brother's shoulder. Donnie took his hand off of Mikey's face , "Right! I'll go get his headphones, he said, walking out of the room." Donnie excused himself in 3rd person and marched triumphantly down the hall, making Mikey giggle. "Yeahhh, Donnie, sure is a dork, huh?" Raph began tickling his baby brother's plastron, causing the younger to squirm and giggle excitedly. Raph continued to do cute games for his little brother. He wasn't really sure how little he was and just hadn't asked yet. Mikey was smiling, and that's all that mattered. Soon, both the twins came back to the room."Alright! We have refreshments and horderves for the lovely prince Miguel~" Leo announced with a bow , an oversized sweater over his shoulders so it looked like a knights cape, and holding up a baby plate full of cheese, crackers,fruits, and a sippy cup for good measure all for the little bab who was cheering and clapping excitedly. Leo smiled up from his dramatic pose, satisfied that he's got his baby brother to laugh at his funny bit, but was met with a playful palm to the face by no other than his own twin. The betrayal! He made a fake, shocked expression. "scoffff!" Donnie smiled and started walking over to Mikey, who was gigging at the banter going on between the twins." Here Angelo, I got your headphones so you can listen to music whenever you want to." Raph readjusted Mikey so that Mikey was sitting more upright in his lap." How about we eat some yummy food first? Then music - I promise!" Mikey nodded his head sleepily and made grabby hands for Leo. "About time I get some baby love!" Leo sat the baby plate on the coffee table, picked up his one and only baby brother, and plopped down on the fluffy couch with a big POOF! He then began to plant kisses all over Mikey's face. Mikey turned into a fit of giggles and was rubbing his face
"Leoooooo! Hehehe! Stoppppit!" Mikey was "desperately" trying to stop his older brother and failing miserably. "Okokok! I'll stop - I'll stop! Wait one sec. " Leo then untied the sweater he was wearing around his shoulders." Alright, cutie arms up!" Mikey did as he was told, flushing a little at the nickname. He was soon met with the soft, fluffy comfort of his favorite pale yellow sweater. Mikey thought if he wasn't careful, he would fall asleep right there in Leo's arms - then he remembered how hungry and thirsty he was from crying. Leo planted one last kiss before raph handed him the baby plate with the sippy cup in the other hand. "Alright, little dude! Can you feed yourself, or do you need help?" It was a simple question, really. They've fed Mikey before, but that didn't make Mikey any less embarrassed. Mikey quickly covered his face with his big sweater paws and mumbled, " 'm no hungy anymoreee..." The 3 looked at each other with matching worried expressions. Mikey is always hungry! Little or big, food is just a huge comfort for him - what did he mean by not hungry?? Leo started rubbing mikeys shell a little and handed him the sippy cup, which shook in his hands. It was obvious he needed help! So why was he denying it? The genius of the group spoke up, " Angelo , you know there is nothing bad or wrong about needing help... we are here to take care of you and make sure you feel safe. If you need help eating snacks, we will gladly help you." Raph looked so proud of the soft shell. Donnie certainly has his tender moments - he was almost getting as good as Leo in that department. Mikey was trying to mumble something around the sippy cup's lid. "What is it, bubs?" Raph encouraged, and Leo bounced the small orange turtle in his lap. Mikey took a hefty sigh, and his face got dusted with a light blush,"uhm could help me wif snackies... pease. " He was avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with the sippy cup that was still slightly shaking in his hands - whether it was because he was nervous or if he just felt that small. Everyone smiled at the nervous boy. "Of course we can, babes!" Leo said , almost motherly. Donnie's eyes softened, and he picked up the plate from his previously crouched position and sat next to his younger brother and twin on the couch, "Seems like Nardo knows you well, Dearest brother. What do you want to start off with?". Raph took his place respectfully by Donnie, and Mikey was still fidgeting with the sippy cup in his hands. Leo could tell Mikey was still nervous about the whole situation and could see the orange turtle's eyes getting glossy. " Want the berries?" Leo was already picking up a blackberry for his little brother who was nodding sleepily. Donnie holding the plate , Leo feeding him cute snacks carefully, and Raph just gave him a small smile, which made the little one feel so safe and protected. Like the thunder wouldn't hurt him anymore. As long as his older brothers were there ... no one would even dare to hurt him. Mikey opened his mouth for another snack, but a yawn came ot instead. Leo laughed as Mikey pouted. " ok, one more, and then how does a turtle pile sound?" Leo kissed his baby brother on the cheek and finished off his snack time with a raspberry. Leo then picked up the little box turtle and bounced Mikey on his hip. Donnie stopped by and grabbed the plate off the table and the cup from Mikey's hand, rubbing his fingers twice and smiling at the sleepy boy. Raph was next with a paci and a big fluffy blanket. He planted a kiss on Mikey's forehead, causing the younger to giggle. When Leo finally sat back down, the orange turtle realized he was in a blanket fort! There were star lights hanging all around. Soft rain can be heard in the middle of the chaotic New York City night. Leo hugged his baby brother tight, and Mikey nuzzled into his neck. "Goodnight mí amor. We love you."

1548 Words‼️

Thank you sosososo much for reading this! I'm taking requests, so feel free to bombard me in the comments on what you want to see! Sorry it's long. I wanted to spoil you guys~! Abababbaba ok bye bye!!♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡

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