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"Any thoughts on breakfast?"

I moved my eyes away from my reflection in the mirror and to Harry's behind me, my fingers stilling from where I was trying, and failing to make my hair look presentable and instead I watched Harry apply his skin care.

"I don't mind," I said honestly, sometimes it was unbelievable that this man had a better skin care than me.

Then again, it wasn't that surprising, I was not that girlie no matter how I tried to be sometimes.

"Maybe we should actually go out considering we've had breakfast in here every day so far," Harry suggested and I half heartedly shrugged, I really didn't have an opinion.

I continued to watch Harry in the mirror, his eyes sparkling in the bright lights of the tropical bathroom, and I could just tell how soft and delicate his fingers were as he patted his eye cream into the skin under his eyes.

"What time is the boat?" I asked as I went back to concentrating on making my hair, which I'd plaited last night, look semi presentable.

"Ten," Harry hummed before he pressed his lips to my cheek making me smile. "That's at ten and we should be back by one, so we can have lunch and then our spa booking is at two thirty."

I nodded at his run down before he kissed the top of my head and left me alone in the bathroom and I was left to regret my choice of not washing the salt out of my hair last night as I tried to fluff the slightly crispy waves.

I sat on the edge of the bed to pull on my low tops, watching as Harry picked out his watch and I almost rolled my eyes at him, one, I didn't get why he needed to wear a watch it's not like we were on a strict schedule, and two, we were literally on holiday.

But somehow the watch matched his very casual, again, rich casual, not my casual, outfit of black cotton trousers and an unbuttoned white shirt over a cream tank top.

I was starting to think that was Harry's go to outfit on holiday, mainly because he'd just been wearing different versions of it the entire five days we'd been here.

Not that I was complaining, he was very hot.

I slapped my hand into Harry's waiting hand making him laugh and I made sure I had a hair tie around my wrist and my phone before we left, and I snuck a glance down at the two of us, making sure our outfits complimented each other.

I thought they did, and I had a feeling Harry would have changed his outfit if they didn't work together.

Then again, I was being that incredibly basic bitch and just wearing my trusty black slip dress, with a red bikini underwear and a cardigan because we were going on a boat!

I didn't know if it was going to be cold, with all the wind and stuff.

And of course, underneath it all I was slathered in sun cream because Harry wouldn't let me leave the villa without it, citing not only the sun but also the wind burn whilst we would be out today.

"How's your sister?" Harry asked suddenly, breaking me out of my thoughts as we strolled along the wooden path towards the centre of the island and I raised an eyebrow.

"Er, okay, I think?" I said, what a strange thing to suddenly ask about.

"You haven't talked to her lately?"

"We're literally in a different country," I pointed out dryly making Harry laugh and I shook my head in amusement. "I texted her just before left but it was just an outfit question."

"You asked your teenage sister for clothing advice?" Harry asked as he peered down at me before he pleasantly returned the staffs greetings.

"Ugh I know," I huffed. "But she's cool you know, and she'd tell me if I was dressing ugly."

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