Dating time ❤️

528 13 0

Part 3

Taehyung : i know you love me but you always avoid me ....... But why???
Yn : tae ... it's you heard it already right???
Taehyung : yes i heard it but i want to hear it from you now
Yn : umm yes tae I love you but iam just a student and i don't have parents i only have grand parents but unfortunately they also died now i don't have anyone and iam not a rich girl but you are too opposite from me you and you are too rich and hella famous so I thought If you marry me you will not to be happy that's why I ignore you ......
Taehyung : And this is the reason that's you avoid me ...Do you think i only concerned about money and publicity huh... Baby i only concerned about you...i just love you when I saw you...
Yn : But tae you don't even know me you just saw me in the concert right and you fall in love with me ..
Taehyung : I know you from the beginning and this is not the frst time that iam seeing you ..
Yn : what you mean??
Taehyung: umm nothing you will know about it ...

*Then he hugged you tightly you also hug him back ...*

Jungkook : am i invisible to you both huh don't you think that iam here .. atleast iam the reason of your relation... it's not fair ..... ( With a cute pout )
Yn : owww oppa sry
Taehyung: thankyou jungkookiee 😇


~ At your home 🏠 ~

Lisa : So finally you agreed with him cute...

* All of your frnds are happy because of your decision..... *

* Two months later *

* All the other members are proposed your friends and they expect it and now you're all in relation all are living with lots of fun and love ... But oneday they came to your home and asked you to live with them ..but you denied it .....*

* I want to give some information
Jungkook proposed jisoo
Jimin proposed Jennie
Jin proposed rose
Rm proposed Lisa *

Yn : i will not do this ....and not only me my friends are also didn't do this ..

( You said proudly and looked around to see your frnds but you didn't find anyone.... And 2 minutes later they came down with their packed stuff and they also packed your stuff also...)

Yn : what are you guys doing...why you packed your stuff and where were you going..???
Jisoo : shhhhh!!! We are going to live with our boyfriends.... Oppa shall we go ??
Jungkook: yeah baby we can ...
Taehyung : Now you don't have any choice ..come with me otherwise you have to live alone...
Yn : yeah i will ...i will live alone..😮‍💨

* Then jimin said something to tae just frustrated and making an irritated face and thinking about what to do ...but suddenly tae picked you up on his shoulder like kidnapping hit his back .... and shouted ... but all others laughing....... *

Yn : hhhhhhaaaa live me tae ...
Are you guys kidnapping me ..huh???
Jimin : we have no other choice yn will not come with us by your own so ...
(Jimin to tae ) tae come

•••••••TIME SKIP •••••••


Taehyung : this is our room ...
( He showed a room to you it's pretty nice and hella big )
Yn : are we staying in same room ??
Tae : yeah ofcourse ..why don't you trust me??
Yn : Nahh i didn't mean it ...
Tae : come on i know you think something dirty ...
( He came to you and held your waist )
Tae : we have time right or do you want to do it now... ( He asked while smirking 😏)
Yn : ( gulp) huh ? I...come just introduce your home ...
( You said while draging him ... He chuckled at your cuteness ...then he showed the whole house ...and finally he led you to yours room ...and you saw something hide behind a certain...)
Yn : umm tae what was that ??
Tae : come lets see....
* Then he dragged you there and remove the certain you saw a beautiful arranged studying table

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